
Layout algorithms for visualizing directed acylic graphs.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clluD3Dag from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cllu/d3-dag';



npm build docs

Often data sets are hierarchical, but are not in a tree structure, such as genetic data. In these instances d3-hierarchy may not suit your needs, which is why d3-dag (Directed Acyclic Graph) exists. This module implements a data structure for manipulating DAGs. Old versions were designed to mimic d3-hierarchy's api as much as possible, newer versions have opted to use modern javascript conventions while breaking from the standard



If you use NPM, npm i d3-dag. Otherwise you can load it using unpkg:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/d3-dag@0.4.3"></script>

var dag = d3.sugiyama();


API Reference


Information for major changes between releases

Updating from 0.3 to 0.4

The update from 0.3 to 0.4 adds support for typescript, and makes a number of backwards incompatible changes that arrise from the switch. Some are also the result of cleaning up hasty early design decisions.

  • Instead of having linkData accessors, builders stratify and hierarchy now have either children/parentIds or childrenData/parentData that combine the children/parents with the data for the link. The build link data into the design of the dag and removes the messy handling of the fact that data was tacked on.
  • points was moved from a property on linkData to its own top level link property, since it's somewhat required to be there and shouldn't be mutating user supplied data.
  • copy, reverse, and equal have been removed as the new structure made them hard to support, as DAGs are viewed more immutably now. Support could potentially be added back.
  • Some DAG methods likes some and every have been removed because they're better supported by the fulent iterators returned by idescendants.
  • In arquint, the height ratio property was switched to an accessor to be more inline with other methods.
  • Documention has moved from the README to inline, and a github pages generated by typedoc.
  • Switched from npm to yarn.

Updating from 0.1 to 0.2

The update from 0.1 to 0.2 includes a few small backwards incompatible changes.

  • dratify was renamed to dagStratify and dierarchy was renamed to dagHierarchy in order to pollute the d3 namespace less.
  • After running a sugiyama layout, the points attribute will always exist for every links data, and it now also contains the start and end points.
  • coordSpread was removed in favor of coordCenter which produces a slightly better layout in the same amount of time.
  • test/data was moved to examples. This isn't technically part of the api, but it may break examples that required the old file location.
  • Link data is created at dag creation time. This also isn't technically backwards compatible but might increase memory consumption.