
core component for cloud-archiver

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cloudArchiverCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cloud-archiver/core';


cloud archiver

Cloud archiver helps you to backup data from cloud services like spotify and twitter. It is written in node.js and based on an easy to extend plugin system.


Create a new directory for your cloud archiver config and npm config. The later is needed so you can easily install new plugins.

$ echo "{}" > package.json
$ npm install --save @cloud-archiver/core
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloud-archiver/core/master/config.sample.js > config.js

Now edit config.js and update your storage path. It is recommended to store the actuall date outside of your config directory so you can easily save all your configurations in something like git.


Without plugins the system is quiet useless. To backup a service install the required plugin using npm, add it to your config.js and follow the plugin readme.
