
SVG icons packs for Cloud Academy frontend projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cloudacademyWasabi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cloudacademy/wasabi';



Cloud Academy SVGs repository for React applications, the aim is to use as icon archive for our internal projects.


  1. First yarn for installing all dependencies
  2. When a new icon in SVG format is placed into the proper folder (atm we have a legacy and bonsai one so put them in /icons/bonsai/svgs/ or /icons/legacy/svgs/) run yarn build for generating all files needed.
  3. Open PR and point it to master branch and wait for new release on npm.

how to use

For use a single icon svg data

import bookmark from '@cloudacademy/wasabi/lib/legacy/bookmark';
import { Icon } from '@cloudacademy/bonsai;

and use with Bonsai Icon component with

<Icon icon={bookmark} />