
simplest possible state machine

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cloudcmdState from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cloudcmd/state';


State License NPM version Dependency Status Build Status Coverage Status

Simplest possible state machine.


npm i @cloudcmd/state --save

How to use?

const simpleState = require('@cloudcmd/state');
const states = {
    'init': ['process'],
    'process': ['error', 'ok'],
    'error': [],
    'ok': [],

const stateMachine = simpleState('init', states);

stateMachine.on('state-not-found', (name) => {
    console.error('state not found:', name);

stateMachine.on('before-next-state', (name) => {
    console.log(`before next state: ${name}`);

stateMachine.on('next-state', (name) => {
    console.log(`next state: ${name}`);

stateMachine.on('after-next-state', (name) => {
    console.log(`after next state: ${name}`);

stateMachine.on('before:next-state:init') => {
    console.log('before some kind of init');

stateMachine.on('next-state:init') => {
    console.log('some kind of init');

stateMachine.on('after:next-state:init') => {
    console.log('after some kind of init');

const {setNext} = stateMachine;

const [status, processName] = setNext('process');
// returns
[true, 'process']

const [status] = setNext('hello');
// returns

// returns
[true, 'error']


  • zames - converts callback-based functions to Promises and apply currying to arguments.

  • currify - translate the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments into evaluating a sequence of functions, each with a single or more arguments.

  • fullstore - functional variables.
