
Brand assets for the Cloudflare Developers sites.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cloudflareWorkersBrandAssets from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cloudflare/workers-brand-assets';


Cloudflare Developer brand assets

Note about the project name

This project currently lives at @cloudflare/workers-brand-assets (and is published to an NPM package of the same name) as it originally included only the brand assets for Cloudflare Workers. As of version v3.0.0 its use has expanded to beyond that of just Workers, so the project should be renamed to @cloudflare/developer-brand-assets. This is not something that is currently technically possible, so for now, please disregard the “workers”-portion of the name.


This repo contains CSS components, illustrations, and other SVG assets for use on the ecosystem of Cloudflare Developer sites, including:


Global CSS

While some of them are not strictly necessary (like the selection color styles, for example), to achieve consistency it’s best to include them all, and in this order:

See this example of including them in a Gatsby site.

CSS Components

Once you have the global CSS included, you’re ready to start pulling in components.

Helper CSS

There are additional CSS “helpers” that “just work” in most situations when applied to elements by a data attribute.


The resources folder contains favicons and SVGs used across the Cloudflare Developers sites.
