
```js const stub: RouteStub = { in_schema: { type: "object", values: { str: { type: "string" } } }, out_schema: { type: "object", values: { str: { type: "string" } } }, handler: async ({ body }) => { if (body.str === "good") return Ok({ str: "okay" }); el

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cmcareySmartRouter from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cmcarey/smart-router';



Routing, schema verification, and handling utilities on top of Express.

  • 🗺 Extend existing applications using an express.Router
  • 🚪 Automatic path prefixing using a route map
  • ✅ Schema validation primitives built using Joi
  • 📚 Generate API documentation from routes
  • 📑 Fully typed

Schema validation occurs on both input and output, preventing unexpected outputs and allowing for full automatic documentation of both inputs and outputs.


const stub: RouteStub = {
  in_schema: { type: "object", values: { str: { type: "string" } } },
  out_schema: { type: "object", values: { str: { type: "string" } } },
  handler: async ({ body }) => {
    if (body.str === "good") return Ok({ str: "okay" });
    else return Err("not okay");

const apiRoutes: Route[] = [{ path: "/get", method: "post", stub }];

const routeMap: RouteMap = [["/api", apiRoutes]];
const routes = compileRouteMap(routeMap);

Applying the router

const server = express();
const router = express.Router();
compileRouter(router, routes);

Generating API documentation

    path: "/api/get",
    method: "post",
    in_schema: { type: "object", values: { str: { type: "string" } } },
    out_schema: { type: "object", values: { str: { type: "string" } } },

Schema validation

  type: "object",
  values: {
    email: { type: "string", subType: "email" },
    minMax: { type: "string", min: 5, max: 50, optional: true },
    els: { type: "array", elementType: { type: "string" } },