
This is a simple web tool to generate pin mappings for integrated circuits. It is live at [cmfcmf.github.io/ic-pinout-diagram-generator](https://cmfcmf.github.io/ic-pinout-diagram-generator). It is inspired by the work done by @sleemanj on their [ArduinoO

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cmfcmfPinoutDiagrams from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cmfcmf/pinout-diagrams';


Integrated Circuit Pinout Diagram Generator

This is a simple web tool to generate pin mappings for integrated circuits. It is live at cmfcmf.github.io/ic-pinout-diagram-generator. It is inspired by the work done by @sleemanj on their ArduinoOrientedChipPinoutCreator, but is a bit more flexible.

Currently, pin mappings for many Padauk mikrocontrollers are available. You can add your own pin mappings by editing src/chips.js.

To preview your changes, clone this repository, install yarn, run yarn install and yarn start, and then open http://localhost:5000/ic-pinout-diagram-generator.


You can embed these pinout diagrams on your own page. To do that, simply place the following code snippet into your HTML:

<div id="pinout-diagram"></div>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@cmfcmf/pinout-diagrams/dist/sdk.min.js"></script>
  PinoutDiagrams.render(document.getElementById('pinout-diagram'), {
    // Don't specify if you want to disply all ICs
    ics: [
    // maxWidth of the legend. Don't specify to use 100%
    maxWidth: '980px'