
Infinite scroll library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cnbritainMerlinFrontendInfinitescrollJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cnbritain/merlin-frontend-infinitescroll-js';



Infinite scroll library

JS Documentation


Kind: global class

new InfiniteScroll(config)

Param Type Description
config Object Configuration
config.throttle Number | Null The throttle speed in milliseconds
config.trigger function The trigger function that checks when to load the url
config.url function | String The url to load


Destroys the infinite scroller

Kind: instance method of InfiniteScroll
Emits: destroy
Access: public


Disables the infinite scroller. This unbinds the scroll listener.

Kind: instance method of InfiniteScroll
Emits: disable
Access: public


Enables the infinite scroller. This binds the scroll listener.

Kind: instance method of InfiniteScroll
Emits: enable
Access: public


Pauses the infinite scroller

Kind: instance method of InfiniteScroll
Emits: pause
Access: public


Resumes the infinite scroller

Kind: instance method of InfiniteScroll
Emits: resume
Access: public


Updates the scroll position. This will run the trigger that is set and if that succeeds, it will begin loading the url

Kind: instance method of InfiniteScroll
Access: public


Enable event

Kind: event emitted by InfiniteScroll


Destroy event

Kind: event emitted by InfiniteScroll


Disable event

Kind: event emitted by InfiniteScroll


LoadComplete event

Kind: event emitted by InfiniteScroll

Name Type Description
data Object The XMLHttpRequest data
originalRequest Object The XMLHttpRequest


LoadError event

Kind: event emitted by InfiniteScroll

Name Type Description
data Object The XMLHttpRequest data
originalRequest Object The XMLHttpRequest


Loading event

Kind: event emitted by InfiniteScroll

Name Type Description
url String The url that is being loaded


Pause event

Kind: event emitted by InfiniteScroll


Resume event

Kind: event emitted by InfiniteScroll



  • Node.jsbrew install node
  • Grunt - npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Other prereqs? Python? Virtualenv?


Install dependencies:

npm install

Build the things:

npm run sass
npm run js
npm run docs

Hint your JS

npm run jshint

Python the pythons:

npm run demo-install

Start the demo server:

python demo.py