
Localstorage module that basically uses the Store

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cnbritainMerlinFrontendStoreJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cnbritain/merlin-frontend-store-js';



Localstorage module that basically uses the Store

JS Documentation



Clears all the data

Kind: static method of store


Loops over each item stored

Kind: static method of store

Param Type
callback function

store.get(key, defaultVal) ⇒ *

Gets the value

Kind: static method of store

Param Type Description
key String
defaultVal * Default value if key is not found

store.getAll() ⇒ Object

Gets all the data

Kind: static method of store


Removes an item from the data

Kind: static method of store

Param Type
key String

store.set(key, val) ⇒ *

Sets a value

Kind: static method of store
Returns: * - The value

Param Type
key String
val *

LocalStorage keys

Key Page Description
search_query Search Holds the search query. Used for infinite scroll
article_referral_uid Article Holds the referrer article uid. Used for infinite scroll
article_exclude_uid Article Holds the article uid of the article to exclude. Used for infinite scroll
article_infinite_scroll Article Turns infinite scroll on and off. Used for infinite scroll
search_query Search Holds the search term. Used for infinite scroll
tag_infinite_url Tag Holds the url of the current tag page. Used for infinite scroll
tag_infinite_scroll Tag Turns infinite scroll on and off. Used for infinite scroll


  • Node.jsbrew install node
  • Grunt - npm install -g grunt-cli
  • Other prereqs? Python? Virtualenv?


Install dependencies:

npm install

Build the things:

npm run sass
npm run js
npm run docs

Hint your JS

npm run jshint

Python the pythons:

npm run demo-install

Start the demo server:

python demo.py