Tron HDWallet
You will create a tron HD instance and use the methods of the instance:
yarn add @cobo/tron
Static Methods:
- Create HD instance from a master seedfromExtendedKey
- Create HD instance from a base58 stringfromMnemonic
- Create HD instance from a mnemonicfromPrivateKey
- Create HD instance from a private keygenerateMnemonic
- Generate new mnemonic, or you can usebip39
Instance Methods:
- Return a derived HD node instance use a path ("m/44'/194'/0'/0/0"
- Return a derived HD node instancegetPrivateExtendedKey
- Return the private extend key (base58)getPublicExtendedKey
- Return the public extend key (base58)getAddress
- Return the tron addresssignMessage
- Retrun signed messageverfiyMessage
- verify the SignaturegenerateTransaction
- Return a tron transactionto
- the address you want to send toamount
- 1000000 = 1 TRXtoken
- default is TRXlatestBlock
- lastest tron block from any api backend
- Freeze to get TRON poweramount
- int, 1000000 = 1 TRXduration
- int, how many days, default is 3latestBlock
- lastest block info
- Unfreeze all the TRXlatestBlock
- lastest block info
const latestBlock = {
hash: 'e996dc5c0ecc96773d31d1cdd6e9db3140cdfcd6fcdbaadfc65ab3e4ad7b352f',
number: 195022,
timestamp: 1527312435000
return Tron
.fromMnemonic('alice loves bob')
.generateTransaction(latestBlock, '27Vsbb84NX6hNgR7kAGwi74BAXV7TdCcHTp', 100000000)
See test/test.js
for detail usage