
A library with Rxjs operators that can be used in your Angular 8 projects.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codeArtRxHelpers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@code-art/rx-helpers';



About the library

A library with Rxjs operators that can be used in your Angular 9 projects.

Consuming the library

1. Installing the library

To install the library in your Angular application you need to run the following commands:

$ npm install @code-art/rx-helpers --save


$ yarn add @code-art/rx-helpers

2. Using withZone operator

The withZone operator will cause the observable next, error and complete callbacks to be executed withing an Angular NgZone. This is useful when having asynchronous events that are triggered outside Angular such as a server event using websockets, etc.

import { Component, OnInit, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { withZone } from '@code-art/rx-helpers';

  selector: 'app-with-zone-example',
  templateUrl: './with-zone-example.component.html',
export class WithZoneExampleComponent  {

  timerSubject = new Subject<number>();
  timerWithZone: Observable<number>;
  private _value = 1;
  constructor(private readonly zone: NgZone) {
    this.timerWithZone = this.timerSubject.pipe(withZone(this.zone));
    zone.runOutsideAngular(() => {
      // The next operator executes outside angular.
      setInterval(() => this.timerSubject.next(this._value++), 1000);

3. Using takeUntilDestroyed operator

The takeUntilDestroyed operator will cause the observable to emit values until a component, pipe or directive are destroyed (ngOnDestroy called).

Note: Starting with Angular 9 the @TakeUntilDestroyed decorator needs to be applied to components, directives, pipes and services with Ivy.

import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '@angular/core';
import { timer } from 'rxjs';
import { takeUntilDestroyed, TakeUntilDestroyed } from '@code-art/rx-helpers';

/* The following decorator is needed for components, directives, pipes and services when using Ivy */
  selector: 'app-take-until-destroyed-example',
  templateUrl: './take-until-destroyed-example.component.html',
export class TakeUntilDestroyedExampleComponent implements OnDestroy {
  timer = timer(1000, 1000).pipe(takeUntilDestroyed(this));

  constructor() {
    this.timer.subscribe(() => {}, () => {}, () => {

  ngOnDestroy(): void {

4. using cacheUntil operator

The cacheUntil operator will subscribe to the observable and cache first emission until provided observable emits, then it will resubscribe.

const currentTime = new Observable<Date>(observer => {
  observer.next(new Date());
  return {
    unsubscribe: () => {},

const s = new Subject();
const obs = currentTime.pipe(

let d: Date | null = null; // d === null
let complete = false;
const sub = obs.subscribe({
    next: (v) => d = v,
    complete: () => complete = true;

// d has a non null value now
// complete is false.

s.next(0); // d has a new value
s.complete(); // complete === true



MIT © Sherif Elmetainy (Code Art)