npm install @code-blocks/graphviz
Use with rehype or eleventy. See how here.
language: graphviz
This package uses viz.js. Try the online editor, here. For information on the syntax, checkout the graphviz documentation.
A basic example
digraph G {Hello->World}
A more complex example
digraph world {
{rank=same; S8 S24 S1 S35 S30;}
{rank=same; T8 T24 T1 T35 T30;}
{rank=same; 43 37 36 10 2;}
{rank=same; 25 9 38 40 13 17 12 18;}
{rank=same; 26 42 11 3 33 19 39 14 16;}
{rank=same; 4 31 34 21 41 28 20;}
{rank=same; 27 5 22 32 29 15;}
{rank=same; 6 23;}
{rank=same; 7;}
S8 -> 9;
S24 -> 25;
S24 -> 27;
S1 -> 2;
S1 -> 10;
S35 -> 43;
S35 -> 36;
S30 -> 31;
S30 -> 33;
9 -> 42;
9 -> T1;
25 -> T1;
25 -> 26;
27 -> T24;
2 -> {3 ; 16 ; 17 ; T1 ; 18}
10 -> { 11 ; 14 ; T1 ; 13; 12;}
31 -> T1;
31 -> 32;
33 -> T30;
33 -> 34;
42 -> 4;
26 -> 4;
3 -> 4;
16 -> 15;
17 -> 19;
18 -> 29;
11 -> 4;
14 -> 15;
37 -> {39 ; 41 ; 38 ; 40;}
13 -> 19;
12 -> 29;
43 -> 38;
43 -> 40;
36 -> 19;
32 -> 23;
34 -> 29;
39 -> 15;
41 -> 29;
38 -> 4;
40 -> 19;
4 -> 5;
19 -> {21 ; 20 ; 28;}
5 -> {6 ; T35 ; 23;}
21 -> 22;
20 -> 15;
28 -> 29;
6 -> 7;
15 -> T1;
22 -> T35;
22 -> 23;
29 -> T30;
7 -> T8;
23 -> T24;
23 -> T1;
A sequence diagram
digraph SEQ_DIAGRAM {
graph [overlap=true, splines=line, nodesep=1.0, ordering=out];
edge [arrowhead=none];
node [shape=none, width=0, height=0, label=""];
node[shape=rectangle, height=0.7, width=2];
api_a[label="API A"];
api_b[label="API B"];
api_c[label="API C"];
// Draw vertical lines
edge [style=dashed, weight=6];
api_a -> a1 -> a2 -> a3;
a3 -> a4 [penwidth=5, style=solid];
a4 -> a5;
edge [style=dashed, weight=6];
api_b -> b1 -> b2 -> b3 -> b4;
b4 -> b5 [penwidth=5; style=solid];
edge [style=dashed, weight=6];
api_c -> c1;
c1-> c2 [penwidth=5, style=solid];
c2 -> c3 -> c4 -> c5;
// Draws activations
{ rank=same; a1 -> b1 [label="activate()"]; b1 -> c1 [arrowhead=normal]; }
{ rank=same; a2 -> b2 [style=invis]; b2 -> c2 [label="refund()", arrowhead=normal, dir=back]; }
{ rank=same; a3 -> b3 [arrowhead=normal, dir=back, label="place_order()"]; b3 -> c3; }
{ rank=same; a4 -> b4 [label="distribute()", arrowhead=normal]; }
{ rank=same; a5 -> b5 [style=invis]; b5 -> c5 [label="bill_order()", arrowhead=normal]; }
Based on this stackoverflow answer.