
FSCP Plugin for code-gov-web, built with Markdown and React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codeGovFscpReactComponent from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@code.gov/fscp-react-component';



FSCP Plugin for code-gov-web, built with Markdown and React


The repository is distributed with npm. After installing npm, you can install code-gov-fscp-react-component with this command:

$ npm i @code.gov/code-gov-fscp-react-component


This package is meant to be used with the code-gov-front-end project. Please follow the configuration settings for the project.

Link this package to edit Code.gov styles locally

You may want to view your changes in the code-gov-fscp-react-component repo on your local machine for testing. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Clone the latest version of the code-gov-fscp-react-component repository.
  2. Run npm install to install the dependencies required for the package in the code-gov-fscp-react-component directory.
  3. Run npm link in the root level of the code-gov-fscp-react-component directory on your local machine.
  4. On the code-gov-front-end project, clone the repository and run npm install if you haven’t done this already.
  5. Run npm link @code.gov/fscp-react-component in the root level of the code-gov-front-end directory on your local machine.

You are now using the latest version of the code.gov design system via your cloned version when running the code-gov-front-end site on your local machine. To stop using this version, run npm unlink @code.gov/code-gov-fscp-react-component from the root level of the code-gov-front-end directory.
