
available prism languages for @codeblock packages

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codeblockLanguages from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codeblock/languages';



Prismjs languages for @codeblock.


This package contains prismjs/components providers for @codeblock:

Each provider is an object with a key for each supported language, and a function that requires or imports the corresponding language file.

The functions do not return anything! They merely ensure that the corresponding language module is available.

import languages from '@codeblock/languages/lib/async';

async function demo() {
  await languages.jsx();
  await languages.tsx();
  // the languages `jsx` and `tsx` are available to prismjs now

Note that none of these providers will work correctly for languages that depend on another language.

For example, the tsx language requires the jsx language to be available. If you load only tsx, the highlighting will not work. Another example would be cpp which requires clike to be loaded.

Currently, the mechanism for resolving these dependencies is not exposed by prismjs.

The only way to reliably resolve the languages is by using the autoloader mechanism via @codeblock/core/lib/autoload


A dummy provider object where each language loader is effectively a noop.

Useful when you want to have exact control over what gets loaded.

import emptyLanguageProvider from '@codeblock/languages/lib/empty';

export const config: Partial<ProviderConfig> = {
  languages: {
    jsx: () => require('prismjs/components/prism-jsx'),
    tsx: () => require('prismjs/components/prism-tsx')


A provider object where each language is dynamically imported via import() on demand.

Defines webpack chunk names via /* webpackChunkName: 'codeblock/language.prism-{langName}' */. When bundled with webpack, an additional output folder codeblock would be created, along with a separate chunk for each language.

import asyncLanguageProvider from '@codeblock/languages/lib/async';

export const config: Partial<ProviderConfig> = {
  languages: asyncLanguageProvider


A provider object where each language is statically required via require() at compile-time.

import staticLanguageProvider from '@codeblock/languages/lib/static';

export const config: Partial<ProviderConfig> = {
  languages: staticLanguageProvider