
Tracking library for Codecademy apps.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codecademyTracking from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codecademy/tracking';



This package contains our user "telemetry" (tracking metrics such as click and visit) integrations that are shared across multiple web properties. We've consolidated them here for a few reasons:

  • To standardize APIs around events like tracking user clicks
  • To make sure any third party integrations are CCPA & GDPR compliant
  • Because this repository already has a sweet CI setup for previewing and auto-publishing new versions 😎

There are two kinds of tracking we package in this library:


Creates a "tracker" object that includes methods for user telemetry such as click and visit.

import { createTracker } from '@codecademy/tracking';

const tracker = createTracker('apiBaseUrl', 'authToken');

Event Usage


Tracks that a user has clicked an element on the page.

  page_name: 'my_page',
  target: 'my_button',

Calls to event internally.


Tracks that a user has visited a page or sub-page.

  page_name: 'my_page',

Calls to event internally.


Generic event for any other event. Events that are allowed to be used here are strongly typed in the types.d.ts file included in the package.

tracker.event('calendar', 'reminder', data);

Miscellaneous Usage


Adds a GTM dataLayer event to the global dataLayer array. If dataLayer does not exist, it will be created.



See GDPR Compliance on Notion for full docs on external tracking.

Starts the initialization process for our third-party integrations.

Integrations are loaded in an intentionally layered manner for CCPA/GDPR compliance:

  1. Wait 1000ms to allow any other post-hydration logic to run first
  2. Load in OneTrust's banner and wait for its OptanonWrapper callback
  3. Segment's copy-and-paste snippet is run to load the Segment global library
  4. Destination integrations for Segment are fetched
  5. Those integrations are compared against the user's consent decisions into a list of allowed destinations
  6. We load only those allowed destinations using Segment's analytics.load
import { initializeTrackingIntegrations } from '@codecademy/tracking';

setTimeout(() => {
    onError: logger.error,
    production: true,
    scope: window,
    user: { email: 'my@email.com', id: 'my-user-id' },
    writeKey: 'my-segment-write-key',
}, 1000);