
CodeCoupler is a compilation of web development libraries put them together in a coherent framework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codecouplerCcComplete from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codecoupler/cc-complete';



What is this

CodeCoupler is a compilation of web development libraries put them together in a coherent framework.

The goal was to enclose the most used code and libraries in a easy-to-use framework, hoping never have to write the basics of a web application again. In contrast to other big frameworks this one is based on numerous small libraries specialized in solving a specific topic. This is the best approach in my view and this is the attempt bundling all these specialists out there under one roof.

Quick Start

# Initialize a new Project with `cc-webpack`
npm init @codecoupler/cc-webpack
# Install CodeCoupler
npm i @codecoupler/cc-complete
# Finalize Environment
npm i

Add Externals Configuration in webpack.externals.js

module.exports = [
    module: "@codecoupler/cc-complete",
    global: "cc",
    entries: ["dist/cc-complete.css", "dist/cc-complete.js"]