
CodeCoupler Webpack Externals Factory

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codecouplerCcWebpackExternalsPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codecoupler/cc-webpack-externals-plugin';


CodeCoupler Webpack Externals Plugin

The CodeCoupler Webpack Externals Plugin is a concept to simplify the configuration of Webpack regarding libraries that will be used but should not bundled.

Please read the documentation at https://codecoupler.org/cc-webpack-externals-plugin

Quick Start:

npm i @codecoupler/cc-webpack-externals-plugin -D
  • You must be running Node 10.0 along with Webpack 5.0 or higher for version 2.x of this plugin.
  • You must be running Node 8.6 or higher for version 1.x of this plugin

Add to your Webpack configuration:

const ccWebpackExternalsPlugin = require("@codecoupler/cc-webpack-externals-plugin");
module.exports = {
  plugins: [new ccWebpackExternalsPlugin(options)],