Getting started
(1) Add angular-disqus
to required modules list:
const myApp = angular.module('myApp', [require(`@codemotion/angular-disqus`)]);
(2) Register your shortname
This is the unique identifier assigned to your Disqus app, can be found on > Admin.
(3) Add comments to threads by using the disqus
<!-- directive can be used as an attribute -->
<div disqus="id" title="title"></div>
<!-- directive can be used as a class attribute -->
<div class="disqus: id, title: title"></div>
Additional Changes
(1) Change hashPrefix
Disqus will only work on sites which use hashbang
( #!
). A valid url looks like this, http://localhost:8000/#!/home/comments/10
Update config block liks this:
myApp.config(function($disqusProvider, $locationProvider){
This changes your link from http://localhost:8000/#/home/comments/10
to the valid form above.
(2) Register your user with SSO(Single Sign-On)
Single sign-on (SSO) allows users to sign into a site and fully use Disqus Comments without again authenticating with Disqus. SSO will create a site-specific user profile on Disqus so as not to clash with existing users of Disqus. See more:{
remote_auth_s3: 'YOUR REMOTE AUTH',
api_key: 'YOUR PUBLIC KEY'
Disqus identifiers
Disqus identifiers must be passed to the directive as as expressions. If the plan is to pass a variable then one must make sure that the variable is wrapped in '
apostrophes (disqus="'id'")
Comment count
Angular-disqus will display comment using the data-disqus-identifier
Normal Link:
<a href="#!/home/comments/10" data-disqus-identifier="randomString"></a>
<a data-ui-sref="home.comments.view({id:})" data-disqus-identifier="randomString"></a>
This will replace the content of the anchor tag with given comment count.
There is some talk of this in the disqus spec
getter for the current shortname$disqus#comment
will reset comments (or generate comments if needed)$disqusProvider#setShortname
setter for shortname$loadCount
initiates the thread comment count loading (generally should not be used)disqusService#setSso
authenticate your user in the Disqus platform