
Frontend task for re-compiling TypeScript to JavaScript and putting the output in the dist folder on changes to the source files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coderesqueTaskTsWatchFrontend from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@coderesque/task-ts-watch-frontend';



Frontend task for re-compiling TypeScript to JavaScript and putting the output in the dist folder on changes to the source files


yarn add --exact @coderesque/task-ts-watch-frontend


Add the task to a task runner.

import taskTsWatch from '@coderesque/task-ts-watch-frontend';
import TaskRunner from '@coderesque/task-runner';

const runner = new TaskRunner('build-scripts');
runner.add('ts-watch', taskTsWatch());

This will add the watch TypeScript task to the build scripts.

> build-scripts ts-watch


This library is being published with our use cases in mind and is not necessarily meant to be consumed by the broader public. We probably won't take your feature requests unless they align with our own needs.
