
A NuxtJS module for displaying random Chuck Norris jokes in your NuxtJS app. If Chuck Norris is your cup of tea, then this module said the day will be saved because Chuck Norris said so. It's even in the built-in database!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codetheoristNuxtChuck from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codetheorist/nuxt-chuck';


Nuxt Chuck


This module simply adds a component to NuxtJS for displaying a random Chuck Norris joke. The package has it's own database so no API calls are made, relying on VueX for fetching and rendering the data from a JSON file.


Simply run:

npm install --save @codetheorist/nuxt-chuck

This will install the module and save it as a dependency. Once this is done you need to add the module to nuxt.config.js. It should look like the following:

modules: [
  // With options
      namespace: 'norris'
  // Without options, namespace is 'chuck' by default.

This will give you access to the chuck joke component globally.

<chuck-joke />