Observable Store Extensions
Observable Store is a front-end state management library that provides a simple yet powerful way to manage state in front-end applications.
This package can be used to integrate Observable Store with the Redux DevTools. View more details about using the extensions here.
2.2.6 - January 25, 2020
Change how detection for presence of redux devtools is done. Don't send state back to devtools while using time travel or jumping to a specific action (debugging scenarios).
2.2.7 - May 11, 2020
Added workaround for changed APIs for accessing providers/services in Angular 9+. User must now pass the Router and ngZone symbols when enabling the Redux Devtools. See project repository repo for more details.
import { environment } from './environments/environment';
import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
if (!environment.production) {
ObservableStore.addExtension(new ReduxDevToolsExtension());
2.2.8 - May 20, 2020
Added support for Angular Ivy with the Redux DevTools. Breaking changes in Ivy prevented this functionality initially, but thanks to help from Andrew Scott and Colum Ferry it's now working with the following code:
import { environment } from './environments/environment';
import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
if (!environment.production) {
ObservableStore.addExtension(new ReduxDevToolsExtension({ router: Router, ngZone: NgZone }));