
Dev Docs is a simple markdown based documentation management tool. Simply create markdown files within the generated docs/ directory and run the docs command. No hassle, no fuss, just documentation in a minimalist style.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codewithkyleDevDocs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codewithkyle/dev-docs';


Dev Docs

Dev Docs is a simple markdown based documentation management tool. Simply create markdown files within the generated docs/ directory and run the docs command. No hassle, no fuss, just documentation in a minimalist style.


  • Dynamically generated navigation structure
  • Group documents via directories
  • No configuration required
  • Light & dark theme


Install the npm packages

npm i -D @codewithkyle/dev-docs

Add the startup script to your package.json file

"docs": "docs"

Run the script

npm run docs


    -o --output     # Output as static HTML (optional)
    -c --cname      # CNAME file path (only required for static rendering)
    -f --favicon    # Favicon file path (optional)
    -p --port       # Set the documentation server port (optional, defaults to 5000)
    -s --src        # Location of the markdown files (optional, defaults to ./docs)

Writing Documentation

Create new documents by adding markdown files to the docs/ directory. You can group several documents under a custom header by placing the files together within a subdirectory.

External Navigation Links

Add custom external navigation links to the dynamically generated navigation structure (optional).

"docs": {
    "name": "Overwrite project name",
    "description": "Overwrite project description",
    "github": "https://github.com/",
    "npm": "https://npmjs.com/"

GitHub Actions Integration

Install the gh-pages package and create a nodejs.yml file within the .github/workflows/ directory.

name: Build and Deploy
            - master
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - name: Checkout
              uses: actions/checkout@master

            - name: Setup Node and NPM
              uses: actions/setup-node@v1
                  node-version: 14.2.0

            - name: Install NPM Packages
              run: npm ci

            - name: Build
              run: npm run predeploy

            - name: Deploy
              run: npm run deploy
                  ACCESS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN }}

Create the NPM scripts:

"predeploy": "docs -o ./public -c ./CNAME",
"deploy": "node ./deploy.js"

Create the deploy.js script.

const ghPages = require("gh-pages");

const NAME = "Your Name";
const EMAIL = "Email";
const USERNAME = "github-username";
const PROJECT = "github-project-name";

        user: {
            name: NAME,
            email: EMAIL,
        repo: "https://" + process.env.ACCESS_TOKEN + "@github.com/" + USERNAME + "/" + PROJECT + ".git",
        silent: true,
    (error) => {
        if (error) {

To finish adding GitHub Action automated deployment generate a personal access token and add it as a project secret named ACCESS_TOKEN

  1. Go to your GitHub profile settings
  2. Click on Developer Settings
  3. Click on Person Access Tokens
  4. Generate a new token with repo checked
  5. Copy token
  6. Go to project settings
  7. Click on Secrets
  8. Add a new secret named ACCESS_TOKEN