
A simple JavaScript library for creating toaster & snackbar notifications

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codewithkyleNotifyjs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codewithkyle/notifyjs';



Notify.js is a lightweight (2.3kb) utility library for creating snackbar and toaster notifications.


Download Notify.js via NPM:

npm i --save @codewithkyle/notifyjs

Or use the CDN version:

import { Notifier, snackbar, toast, append } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@codewithkyle/notifyjs@3/notify.min.mjs";
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@codewithkyle/notifyjs@3/notify.min.js"></script>
    Notifier.snackbar({ message: "This is a snackbar notification." });
    Notifier.toast({ title: "CDN Example", message: "This is a toast notification." });


  1. Notification Manager
  2. Global Notifications
  3. Snackbar Notification
    1. Snackbar Interface
    2. Snackbar HTML Structure
  4. Toast Notification
    1. Toast Interface
    2. Toast HTML Structure

There are two ways to use this package. You can create a Notification Manager or use the global manager. Each manager has a queue and new notifications are placed in the queue in the order that they're requested. The queue can be skipped by settings the force value to true.

Notification Manager

Import the manager:

import { Notifier } from "@codewithkyle/notifyjs";
const notifier = new Notifier();

Create a snackbar or toast notification:

    message: "All snackbar notifications require a message",
    title: "Toast notificaitons require a title",
    message: "And they require a message",

Global Manager

Import the notification type:

import { snackbar, toast } from "@codewithkyle/notifyjs";

Create a notification:

    message: "All snackbar notifications require a message",
    title: "Toast notificaitons require a title",
    message: "And they require a message",

// Adds an action button
    message: "All snackbar notifications require a message",
    buttons: [
            label: "Update",
            callback: () => {
                console.log("User clicked the update button");

Append custom toast notifications:

import { append } from "@codewithkyle/notifyjs";

class CustomToasterElement extends HTMLElement {
        this.innerText = message;
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 5000);

append(new CustomToasterElement());

Snackbar Notification

Snackbar notifications are great for quick one-off notifications.

Snackbar Interface

interface SnackbarNotification {
    message: string;
    duration?: number; // in seconds
    closeable?: boolean;
    buttons?: Array<{
        label: string;
        callback: Function;
        ariaLabel?: string;
        classes?: Array<string> | string;
        autofocus?: boolean;
    force?: boolean; // defaults to true
    classes?: Array<string> | string;
    autofocus?: boolean; // defaults to true

Snackbar HTML Structure

    <p>Custom notification message</p>
        <button class="close">
            <svg />

Toast Notification

Toaster notifications are great for application-like notification systems where users will need to recieve warnings, updates, successes, and errors.

Toast Interface

type ToasterNotification = {
    title: string;
    message: string;
    closeable?: boolean;
    icon?: string; // svg or img
    duration?: number; // in seconds
    classes?: string[];
    autofocus?: boolean; // defaults to true
    buttons?: Array<{
        label: string;
        callback: Function;
        ariaLabel?: string;
        classes?: Array<string> | string;
        autofocus?: boolean;
    timer?: "vertical" | "horizontal" | null; // defaults to null

Toast HTML Structure

            <svg />
            <p>Custom notification message</p>
        <button class="close">
            <svg />
        <toast-timer class="vertical || horizontal"></toast-timer>