
Collect a feedback for your content without coding

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codexteamReactions from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codexteam/reactions';



Light-weight module for gathering users' feedback on a webpage content Allows to build in element, containing buttons - emojis for expressing attitude to a content

Getting started


npm or Yarn

npm install @codexteam/reactions


yarn add @codexteam/reactions

Download from CDN

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@codexteam/reactions"></script>


Simplified initialization

  1. Connect reactions.js script to your page
  2. Create an instance of Reactions using
new Reactions({parent: '', title: '', reactions: []});


name type description
parent string or HTMLElement element in which module should be inserted - selector or element instance
title string module title
reactions string[] array of emojis to be inserted in module options


new Reactions({parent: 'body', title: 'What do you think?', reactions: ['👍', '👌', '👎']});

Initialize using reactions tag

  1. Add <reactions> to your page
  2. Provide <reactions> with data-id and data-title to set module id and title
  3. Fill <reactions> with <reaction> each containing emoji to be inserted in module options
  4. Connect reactions.js script to your page
  5. Run Reactions.init()


<reactions data-id='' data-title='What do you think?'>

Advanced settings

Identify user

Module uses userId property to identify user - by default userId is random number, but it can be specified through setUserId method

name type description
userId number user identifier



Identify module

By default module takes page URL as module identifier, but it also can be specified manually by passing id to reactions constructor

use it for:

  • lists (different modules on one page)
  • binding module to a specific content item, regardless of URL

in this case instance should be created this way

new Reactions({parent: '', title: '', reactions: [], id: ''});


name type description
id string or number module identifier