
Event sourcing library which makes use of rabbitmq.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codingBlocksWhisperer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@coding-blocks/whisperer';



An event sourcing over AMQP library using STOMP.

Getting Started

  • Whisperer uses AMQP backends with STOMP plugin such as RabbitMQ
  • Enable STOMP plugin in RabbitMQ using rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stomp
  • Enable STOMP web plugin in RabbitMQ to enable websocket interation rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_web_stomp


  • If using npm npm install @coding-blocks/whisperer
  • If using yarn yarn add @coding-blocks/whisperer


  • Create a whisperer object
import Whisperer from "@coding-blocks/whisperer";

const whisperer = new Whisperer({
  host: '',
  port: 15674,
  username: 'guest',
  password: 'guest'

await whisperer.init()
  • To Subscribe to topics
  whisperer.on('oneauth_user.created', (msg, frame) => {
    console.log("listener 2: <created>", msg)
  • To emit messages
  whisperer.emit('oneauth_user.created', {
    body: {
      data: 'some create message'