
Seamless file encryption with AWS KMS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codinghumansMuna from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codinghumans/muna';



Muna is a very simple command line interface (cli) that provides fast and secure file encryption. It relies on AWS KMS to store your encryption keys, making them easily available from anywhere and removing the complexities of having to manage, secure, and rotate them manually.

Getting Started


Before you can begin encrypting, you will need to set your AWS credentials using one of the multiple ways supported by the AWS Node.js SDK.

One simple way to do it is adding them to the ~/.aws/credentials file:

$ cat ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = AKI.....
aws_secret_access_key = mw......

You can read more about how to set your AWS credentials for the AWS Node.js SDK here.


$ npm install -g @codinghumans/muna


Run the muna configure command to set your AWS region and the key alias to use:

$ muna configure eu-west-1 muna/master-key
Creating kms key...
Creating kms alias...
Creating muna.config.json...

If the alias is already associated with a key, Muna will use the existing key. Otherwise, it will create a new key and then will associate the alias to it.


Encrypt one or multiple files by supplying either path or a glob pattern:

$ muna encrypt **/*.json

Then decrypt them:

$ muna decrypt **/*.json

Additionally, you can also run the muna diff command to generate a git diff containing all changes made to your files since they were last decrypted:

$ muna diff **/*.json


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.