
S3, Dynamodb ORM and moment js with timezone npm packages

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codpaymentAwsLambdaHelper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codpayment/aws-lambda-helper';



S3, Dynamodb ORM and moment js with timezone npm packages

Update Log

v1.2.23 Add browser support
v1.2.20 Fix wrong AESGCM cipher suite name
v1.2.19 Export AESCBC in case of need
v1.2.17 Fix TS 3 reporting error
v1.2.16 Add multiValueHeaders return for aws api gateway response
v1.2.15 Add multiValueHeaders definition for AWS lambda input event
v1.2.14 For response class's ok and fail message parameter, check with instanceof instead of constructor so that any class or function that implements toJSON method can be passed.
v1.2.13 Add pkcs7 to aes-cbc cipher suite name
v1.2.12 Add urlencoded property to Encrypted
v1.2.11 Fix checking aes key on aes-gcm
v1.2.10 Fix base64 and hex without cipher_suite property
v1.2.9 Return cipher_suite name for crypto2
v1.2.8 Add crypto2 to have a better support for AES
v1.2.7 Add remove key function to updateItem
v1.2.6 Add Group by for object array
v1.2.5 Add Array collapse function, to flatten 2D array to 1D
v1.2.4 Allow sequenceSequentialUncaught
v1.2.3 Allow Model's key to be zero
v1.2.2 Allow Model.getItem empty sort key
v1.2.0 Typescript Version
v1.1.5-beta-03 Fix wrong getitem output
v1.1.5-beta-02 Add queryCount for dynamodb, only return count result for query
v1.1.5-beta-01 Fix typescript warning for files getfiles function
v1.1.4-beta-9 Add Recursive folder readers
v1.1.4-beta-7 Fix wrong response event object parameters
v1.1.4-beta-6 Allow using attribute_not_exists, attribute_exists for updateitem, @todo allow for query and scan
v1.1.0 Use typescript v1.0.65 Support begins_with for model
v1.0.64 Add queryItems and scanItems for model that directly return items array v1.0.63 Support conditional expression for DB.updateItem
v1.0.62 Fix reserved words problem on projectExpression
v1.0.61 Range for month
v1.0.60 Fix accidentally remove logging
v1.0.59 Separate CORS from Response to sub class, add XSRF checking, add Custom Error class
v1.0.58 Add logging for response
v1.0.57 Fix error if no headers or origin header is ucfirst
v1.0.56 Update Response class, now require specify the cors whitelist domains, if nothing or empty string is passed, cors is disabled (default)
and the return header won't include Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
checkCORS method can also be called before to check request before the function v1.0.55 Add arn helper class to resolve arn to lambda function name
v1.0.54 Cookie reader and writer
v1.0.53 Add AES key generator
v1.0.52 Add copy method to storage
v1.0.51 Add list object by prefix and check is folder existed function to storage
v1.0.50 Add no cache header to response
v1.0.49 Use invocationType for lambda invoke
v1.0.45 Add alias to lambda function
v1.0.43 Fix error there is only partition key and sort key when using updateItem on Model

To use S3

Create a file s3example.js

let Storage = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/storage');

class S3Example extends Storage {
        this.key = 'path/to/example.json';

module.exports = S3Example;

then from the index.js

const S3Example = require('./s3example');

new S3Example().put('content here')

new S3Example().get()
.then(res => console.log(res));

To use dynamodb

create a file called dbexample.js

const Model = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/model');

class DBExample extends Model{
        this.tableName    = 'test.batch';
        this.partitionKey = 'batch_id';
        this.sortKey      = 'user_id';

module.exports = DBExample;

then from the index.js

(new DBExample).scan()
.then(res => console.log(res.Items));

(new DBExample).createItem(
).then(res=> console.log('success'), err=>console.log(err));


For updateItem, you must provide the partition key and sort key (if there exists).

updateItem conditionally

// Error will be thrown if the condition does not match
(new DBExample).updateItem(
[['name', '=', '2'], ['value', 'begins_with', '4']]
).then(res=> console.log('success'), err=>console.log(err));

updateItem for number increment

(new DBExample).updateItem(
    'value' : 5
).then(res=> console.log('success'), err=>console.log(err));

Increment in conjunction with conditions

(new DBExample).updateItem(
[['gender', '=', 'F']],
    'value' : 5
).then(res=> console.log('success'), err=>console.log(err));

updateItem with removing keys

(new DBExample).updateItem(
['keytoremove1', 'keytoremove2']
).then(res=> console.log('success'), err=>console.log(err));

query with index


const Model = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/model');

class DBExample extends Model{
        this.tableName            = 'test.batch';
        this.partitionKey         = 'batch_id';
        this.sortKey              = 'user_id';
        this.indexName            = 'abc-index';
        this.projectionExpression = 'abc,def,ghi';

module.exports = DBExample;

(new DBExample).query([['abc', '>', '1234'],['def', '=', '4444'],['ghi', 'between', ['2222','4444']]])
.then(res => console.log(res.Items));

To invoke lambda function

create a file called funa.js

class Funa extends Lambda {
    constructor() {
        this.function = 'some-function-example';
        // this.region = 'some region' // you can also specify the region for the function whenever the target is in a different region
module.exports = Funa;
The function name will auto be prepended with the ENV variable plus a hyphen side
eg, dev-some-function-example
If you want to override this, simply override the func getter

class Funa extends Lambda {
    constructor() {
        this.function = 'some-function-example';
    get func(){
        return this.function;

To invoke the function simply call the invoke method

let a = new Funa();
// or 

To use Crypto

const Crypto = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/crypto');
// generate key and save

//encrypt data
let enc = new Crypto(key).encrypt('data');

// decrypt data
new Crypto(key).decrypt(enc);

// sha256 hash new Crypto(key).hash('string')

To use Crypto2

Encrypt with AES-GCM

const crypto2 = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/crypto2');

const encryptKey = Buffer.from('abcdefghijklmnop');
const aesgcm = new crypto2.AESGCM(encryptKey);
const plainText = Buffer.from('\u6211');
const aad = Buffer.from('something to be verified');

const result = aesgcm.encrypt(plainText, aad);
console.log(result.hex); // An object containing nonce, tag, cipher_text and cipher_suite in hex
console.log(result.base64); // An object containing nonce, tag, cipher_text and cipher_suite in base64
console.log(result.urlencoded); // A url-encoded string containing nonce, tag, cipher_text and cipher_suite

Decrypt with AES-GCM

const crypto2 = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/crypto2');

const encryptKey = Buffer.from('abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop');
const aesgcm = new crypto2.AESGCM(encryptKey);
const aad = Buffer.from('something to be verified');

const encrypted = {
    nonce: Buffer.from('ffd2eed848a2416f32915fae', 'hex'),
    cipher_text: Buffer.from('d344db', 'hex'),
    tag: Buffer.from('085eda92945103915be8c5ae57d0a835', 'hex')
const result = aesgcm.decrypt(encrypted, aad);

Encrypt with AES-CBC With RSA-SHA256

const crypto2 = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/crypto2');

const fun = async () => {    
    const privateKey = Buffer.from(await getFile('./test/keys/rsa_private.pem'));
    const encryptKey = Buffer.from('abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop');
    const plainText = Buffer.from('\u6211');
    const publicKey = Buffer.from(await getFile('./test/keys/rsa_public.pem'));
    const signatureAlgorithm = new crypto2.RSAWithSha(privateKey, publicKey);
    const aescbc = new crypto2.AESCBCWithSignature(encryptKey, signatureAlgorithm);
    return aescbc.encrypt(plainText);
fun().then(result => {

Encrypt with AES-CBC With HMAC-SHA256

const crypto2 = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/crypto2');
const signKey = Buffer.from('hello');
const encryptKey = Buffer.from('abcdefghijklmnop');
const plainText = Buffer.from('\u6211');

const signatureAlgorithm = new crypto2.HMACWithSha(signKey);
const aescbc = new crypto2.AESCBCWithSignature(encryptKey, signatureAlgorithm);
const result = aescbc.encrypt(plainText);


Decrypt with AES-CBC With RSA-SHA256

const crypto2 = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/crypto2');
const fun = async () => {
    const encrypted = {
        nonce: Buffer.from('jGzj5DV2feQXKiRl3eGIWA==', 'base64'),
        cipher_text: Buffer.from('bgtz/EFaBmRVauBDi0Vk1g==', 'base64'),
        tag: Buffer.from('cMDdfPrkGdOX5pAmDazMJZGa53nwP7mUR475KECY06m4BCvgtJr6rVUrR6NTHM404M6Wz7+tshCBrEQYrVdByrlx8BbIWb7KU7h08QVLMBgVpbTRNExeXhRWzr6WeZniANNJ6dECqp9hbmnS7xpKGkR4ge1p8lyhNxIlmIikX4I/Z3yOy38KhT/13f1HtnHTpODlvnaZUVATx0W1eyHney9Itg/xxiBbdv6j7aFgRkDcdvIFMJbu0ZYYspsCas1rOmuK0tTMYmbjXsv1WwOzfNS9bSQQim36op08WXy62txdaR9OlHM8Lu8/3F9al7YWxaIHMq8XE2fvzM1Cw8om/Q==', 'base64')
    const privateKey = Buffer.from('');
    const encryptKey = Buffer.from('abcdefghijklmnopabcdefghijklmnop');
    const publicKey = Buffer.from(await getFile('./test/keys/rsa_public.pem'));

    const signatureAlgorithm = new crypto2.RSAWithSha(privateKey, publicKey);
    const aescbc = new crypto2.AESCBCWithSignature(encryptKey, signatureAlgorithm);
    return aescbc.decrypt(encrypted);
fun().then(result => {

To use https client

const https = require('./https');

        url   : 'https://www.example.com/auth',
        method: 'post',
        data  : {
            user    : 'helloabc',
            password: 'abcdefgh'
    .then(res => res.body)
    .then(res => JSON.parse(res).token)
    .then(token => https.json({
            url: 'https://www.example.com/dosth',
            method: 'get',
            headers : {
                Authorization: 'Bearer ' + token
    .then(res => res.body)
    .then(console.log, err => console.log('Error: ' + err.message));

To use php uniqid

const helpers = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/helpers');


To add / deduct and return utc time

const helpers = require('./helpers');

console.log(helpers.utcAdd(2, 'minute'));
console.log(helpers.utcAdd(2, 'day'));
console.log(helpers.utcAdd(2, 'second'));
console.log(helpers.utcAdd(2, 'hour'));
console.log(helpers.utcAdd(2, 'month'));

To get current utc time

let helpers = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/helpers');

console.log(helpers.utcNow()); //2017-11-01T12:20:20.000Z

To check is the given time past

let helpers = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/helpers');


To convert from timezone / to utc from a given timezone

let helpers = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/helpers');

console.log('toUTC', helpers.toUTC('2017-11-01 00:12', 'Asia/Hong_Kong'));

console.log('toUTC', helpers.toUTC('2017-11-01 13:12', 'Asia/Hong_Kong'));

To use moment with timestamp

let moment = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/moment-with-timezone.min');

console.log(moment().tz('Asia/Tokyo').format('YYYYMMDD HH:mm:ss'));

To generate a list for a given month

let helpers = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/helpers');

console.log(helpers.rangeForMonth('2017-11')); // ['2017-11-01', '2017-11-02',...... '2017-11-30']

To use response for lambda proxy integration

const Response = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/response');
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    let response = new Response(event, callback, 'POST');
        data : '1234'

Tips: response.checkInput() can be used to check event input and reject the request for invalid input

To use ResponseWithCORSXSRF

const Response = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/response-with-cors-xsrf.js');
const CustomError = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/error').CustomError;

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    let response = new Response(event, callback, 'POST');
    .then(() => {
        // do something
    .then(() => response.ok({
        data : '1234'
    .catch(error => response.fail({error: error.message}, error instanceof CustomError ? error.httpCode : 500));

Tips: You can extend the Response class and checkInput() method for any custom validation

Send response cookie

const Response = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/response');
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    let response = new Response(event, callback, 'POST');
        data : '1234'
    }, 'SESSIONID=abcd; path=/; HttpOnly');

Multiple cookie was supported by AWS on oct 2018

const Response = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/response');
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    let response = new Response(event, callback, 'POST');
        data : '1234'
    }, ['SESSIONID=abcd; path=/; HttpOnly', 'CSRF_TOKEN=12345; path=/;']);

To use cookie reader

const cookie = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/cookie');
    let result = cookie.parse('SESSIONID=abcd; some=cookie; another=cookie');
} catch (e) {

To use arn helper class

To find the lambda function for an arn

const ARNHelper = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/arn-helper');

new ARNHelper('some arn')
    .then(fn => console.log(`the lambda function for ${arn} is ${fn}`));

To get all resources from API gateway

const ARNHelper = require('nealyip-aws-lambda-helper/arn-helper');

new ARNHelper()
    .then(console.log); // {items : [{},{}]}

How do I get set up?

npm install --save nealyip-aws-lambda-helper

You are required to provide 2 env variables

S3BUCKET : your-bucket
ENV : dev

The ENV is the dynamodb prefix for example if the dynamodb is dev.test.batch then the ENV will be dev and the model table name this.tableName = 'test.batch';

Contribution guidelines

To build the moment-with-timezone.js

npm install
npm run build-prod
npm publish

To build the dist

npm run build-ts

To publish release
inside dist folder

npm publish
npm publish --tag beta
npm dist-tag ls

Fix wrong dist-tag

npm dist-tag  add  nealyip-aws-lambda-helper@1.0.65 latest

Who do I talk to?

  • Repo owner or admin
  • Other community or team contact