
Common data structures for JavaScript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codycravenDataStructs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codycraven/data-structs';


JavaScript Data Structures

Try @codycraven/data-structs on RunKit code style: prettier Coverage Status

Common data structures for JavaScript.

Data structures


  1. Doubly Linked Lists


  1. Circular Queue


First install dependencies:

npm install -D
  • Build:

    npm run build
    # or watch
    npm run build:watch
  • Test:

    npm test
    # or watch
    npm run test:watch
  • Lint:

    npm run lint

    Or better yet, install a suitable eslint extension in your code editor to receive realtime feedback while coding.

  • Format:

    npm run format

    This project utilizes Prettier to enforce code formatting. Install a Prettier extension in your IDE to receive on-save or on-demand formatting.


This project uses SemVer, use the npm version command to bump the appropriate version:

npm version major
# or
npm version minor
# or
npm version patch

These commands will create the appropriate git tag to accompany it.

After the version is tagged, release it with npm:

npm publish