
A set of parsers to convert transcription XML files to hierarchical JSON.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coedlTranscriptionParsers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@coedl/transcription-parsers';


Transcription Parsers

This is a library for working with linguistic transcriptions. It currently works with eaf, ixt, trs and flextext formats.

It has been designed to work in both browser and node environments. Accordingly, you need to load the file content and pass it to the library. Following are usage examples for both types of environments.


npm install --save @coedl/transcription-parsers

Browser Usage

Assuming you've loaded the file content over http/s with something like:

const transcriptionPath = `http://{url}/{to}/{transcription.file}
let response = await fetch(transcriptionPath);
if (!response.ok) throw response;
let xmlString = await response.text();```

xml will be the string content that you can then pass to the library viz:

const { Parser } = require("transcription-parser");
let parser = new Parser({
    name: "{name of file.ext}",
    data: xmlString
let result = await parser.parse()

NodeJS Usage

Assuming you've loaded the file content with something like:

let xmlString = await fs.readFileSync(
    path.join(__dirname, "{path}/{to}/{file}"),

xml will be the string content that you can then pass to the library viz:

const { Parser } = require("transcription-parser");
let parser = new Parser({
    name: "{name of file.ext}",
    data: xmlString
let result = await parser.parse()