
Nodejs library for finding places using Mapy.cz Suggest API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import coexGeosearch from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@coex/geosearch';


npm version


Simple nodejs library to find places all around the world

Datasource: Mapy.cz Suggest API




via yarn

yarn add @coex/geosearch

via npm

npm install @coex/geosearch


City, town, village

Let's find all Springfields in the World

import { GeoSearch } from '@coex/geosearch';

const geoSearch = new GeoSearch();

  .suggest('Springfield', {
    scope: 'muni', // Only cities, villages, (municipalities)
  .then((places) => {
    // ... do something cool
    console.log('Results', places);
  .catch((e) => {
    // Catch Error
    console.error('Error', e);

Places start with

Let's find cities or villages start with Ber in Germany

import { GeoSearch } from '@coex/geosearch';

const geoSearch = new GeoSearch();

  .suggest('Ber', {
    scope: 'muni', // Only cities, villages, (municipalities)
    country: 'de', // Only from Germany
  .then((places) => {
    // ... do something cool
    console.log('Results', places);
  .catch((e) => {
    // Catch Error
    console.error('Error', e);

Public transport

Let's find position of public transport station in the Czech Republic

import { GeoSearch } from '@coex/geosearch';

const geoSearch = new GeoSearch();

  .suggest('kokořín', {
    scope: 'pubt', // Only public transport related places
    country: 'cz', // Only from the Czech Republic
  .then((places) => {
    // ... do something cool
    console.log('Results', places);
  .catch((e) => {
    // Catch Error
    console.error('Error', e);


Let's try to find rivers, lakes, mountains, streets, national parks, areas, tourist attractions, ..., everything what awesome Mapy.cz Suggest API can do.

Results (example)

    category: 'municipality_cz',
    highlight: [],
    sentence: '',
    userData: {
      bbox: [Array],
      country: 'Česko',
      district: 'Hlavní město Praha',
      elasticWeight: 0,
      evidenceNumber: '',
      hasAddress: true,
      highlight: [Array],
      highlightSecond: [Array],
      houseNumber: '',
      iconType: 'geo',
      id: 3468,
      img: '',
      importance: 0.763394835100681,
      latitude: 50.0835493857,
      longitude: 14.4341412988,
      mmid: '',
      mmsource: '',
      mmtype: '',
      muniId: '3468',
      municipality: 'Praha',
      nuts: 'CZ0100',
      poiType: '',
      poiTypeId: 0,
      popularity: 1,
      premiseIds: [],
      quarter: '',
      region: 'Hlavní město Praha',
      source: 'muni',
      street: '',
      streetNumber: '',
      suggestFirstRow: 'Praha',
      suggestSecondRow: 'okres Hlavní město Praha, kraj Hlavní město Praha, Česko',
      suggestThirdRow: 'Hlavní město',
      ward: '',
      wikiId: 'Q1085',
      zipCode: '',


Option Type Default Description
scope 'muni' | 'area' | 'pubt' | 'street' null Preferred category of results
bounds { sw: LatLng, ne: LatLng} null Preffered country boundaries
country 'cz' | 'sk' | 'us' | 'de' | 'gb' | 'jp' null Preferred country. Same as bounds but with some presets. Feel free to add more via pull request
lang 'en' | 'cs' | 'de' | 'pl' | 'sk' | 'ru' | 'es' | 'fr' cs Preferred language
debug boolean false Print additional information to console


Developing and debugging library

yarn start

Run demo locally

You can find and modify it in demo/index.ts file

yarn demo

Run tests

yarn test


Data source

Awesome Mapy.cz Suggest API from Seznam.cz

Please read this license before use.

This library

Code of this library is licensed under the MIT license.

© 2021 COEX