
An Ethereum web3 provider that signs transactions with the Cogito app

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cogitojsCogitoWeb3Provider from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cogitojs/cogito-web3-provider';



Allows you to sign transactions on an Ethereum network using the Cogito mobile app. This is a fairly low-level component for those who are already familiar with Ethereum and the Web3 api. A higher level abstraction for working with Ethereum and smart contracts is provided by the Cogito Ethereum package.

Cogito Web3 Provider intercepts some of the standard Web3 requests and redirect them to the Cogito mobile app using a telepath channel.

Transaction Signing Sequence


Add @cogitojs/cogito-web3-provider as your dependency:

$ yarn add @cogitojs/cogito-web3-provider

Web3 delegates the actual sending of the requests to the so called providers. A valid web3 provider is required to provide one function: send(payload, callback). It often provides other functions (e.g. allowing web3 to poll for the connection status) but in principle, the send function is the one that is strictly required. @cogitojs/cogito-web3-provider provides such a provider as its only top-level abstraction: CogitoProvider.

CogitoProvider requires two arguments when creating: the original provider and the telepath channel. The example below shows how to use CogitoProvider with Web3 and Telepath:

import { Telepath } from '@cogitojs/telepath-js'
import Web3 from 'web3'
import { CogitoProvider } from '@cogitojs/cogito-web3-provider'

const telepath = new Telepath('https://telepath.cogito.mobi')
const telepathChannel = await telepath.createChannel({ appName: 'Tutorial' })

const providerUrl = 'http://localhost:9545' // example for the local development
const originalProvider = new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(providerUrl)
const web3 = new Web3(
  new CogitoProvider({ originalProvider, telepathChannel })

From now on, CogitoProvider will check if the incoming request should be redirected to telepath (and then in turn to e.g. the Cogito mobile app) or if it should be handed over to the original provider.

Currently, CogitoProvider redirects two types of requests to telepath: eth_accounts and eth_sendTransaction. All other requests are forwarded to the original provider.