Vimeo player component for React.
Install - Usage - Demo - Props
npm install --save @u-wave/react-vimeo
import Vimeo from '@u-wave/react-vimeo';
Name | Type | Default | Description |
video | number / string | A Vimeo video ID or URL. | |
id | string | DOM ID for the player element. | |
className | string | CSS className for the player element. | |
style | object | Inline style for container element. | |
width | number / string | Width of the player element. | |
height | number / string | Height of the player element. | |
paused | bool | Pause the video. | |
volume | number | The playback volume as a number between 0 and 1. | |
start | number | The time in seconds at which to start playing the video. | |
autopause | bool | true | Pause this video automatically when another one plays. |
autoplay | bool | false | Automatically start playback of the video. Note that this won’t work on some devices. |
showByline | bool | true | Show the byline on the video. |
color | string | Specify the color of the video controls. Colors may be overridden by the embed settings of the video. (Ex: "ef2f9f") | |
controls | bool | true | Hide all elements in the player (play bar, sharing buttons, etc). |
loop | bool | false | Play the video again when it reaches the end. |
showPortrait | bool | true | Show the portrait on the video. |
showTitle | bool | true | Show the title on the video. |
muted | bool | false | Starts in a muted state to help with autoplay |
background | bool | false | Starts in a background state with no controls to help with autoplay |
responsive | bool | false | Enable responsive mode and resize according to parent element (experimental) |
onReady | function | Sent when the Vimeo player API has loaded. Receives the Vimeo player object in the first parameter. | |
onError | function | Sent when the player triggers an error. | |
onPlay | function | Triggered when the video plays. | |
onPause | function | Triggered when the video pauses. | |
onEnd | function | Triggered any time the video playback reaches the end. Note: when loop is turned on, the ended event will not fire. |
onTimeUpdate | function | Triggered as the currentTime of the video updates. It generally fires every 250ms, but it may vary depending on the browser. |
onProgress | function | Triggered as the video is loaded. Reports back the amount of the video that has been buffered. | |
onSeeked | function | Triggered when the player seeks to a specific time. An onTimeUpdate event will also be fired at the same time. |
onTextTrackChange | function | Triggered when the active text track (captions/subtitles) changes. The values will be null if text tracks are turned off. |
onCueChange | function | Triggered when the active cue for the current text track changes. It also fires when the active text track changes. There may be multiple cues active. | |
onCuePoint | function | Triggered when the current time hits a registered cue point. | |
onVolumeChange | function | Triggered when the volume in the player changes. Some devices do not support setting the volume of the video independently from the system volume, so this event will never fire on those devices. | |
onLoaded | function | Triggered when a new video is loaded in the player. |
- @u-wave/react-youtube - A YouTube component with a similar declarative API.
- react-dailymotion - A Dailymotion component with a similar declarative API.