
Parser for Cognite 3D viewer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cognite3dWebParser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cognite/3d-web-parser';


Cognite logo

JavaScript parser for 3D web files

Build Status codecov

This module parses 3D data from Cognite Data Platform used in the 3D viewer.

Using typescript

This module is written in native typescript, so no extra types need to be defined.


Apache 2.0


Run all tests:

$ yarn
$ yarn test

We use jest to run tests, see their documentation for more information.

Update protobuf schema

  • Run yarn run pbjs -t json -o src/proto/web_scene.json {path to web_scene.proto}


How to release a new patch version

New patch releases are usually based on the release branch for the given minor version.

  1. Checkout the release branch for the previous minor version, named releases/x.y.
    git checkout release/x.y
  2. Create a new branch for your changes
    git checkout -b yourusername/release/x.y.z
  3. Cherry-pick your changes from the master branch or add new commits.
  4. Update package.json with the correct version in the header.
  5. Push your branch
    git push
  6. Create a new pull requests from yourusername/release/x.y.z into the release/x.y branch.
  7. Wait for review and merge. After merge, switch to branch release/x.y and pull changes.
  8. Tag last commit with version, i.e. "vX.Y.Z".
  9. Push tag
    git push --tags
  10. A new version will be published when the tag is pushed.

How to release a new minor or major version

New minor or major releases are usually based directly on the current version in master.

  1. Checkout the master branch.
    git checkout master
  2. Create a release branch.
    git checkout -b release/x.y
  3. Push the branch.
    git push
  4. Create a new branch for your changes:
    git checkout -b yourusername/release/x.y
  5. Create a version commit by running.
    $ npm version [minor/major]
    # example: $ npm version minor
  6. Push branch and push tags (git push --tags)
  7. Create a new pull requests from yourusername/release/x.y.z into the release/x.y branch.
  8. A new version will be published when the PR is merged