
Javascript client library for Cognite SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cogniteCognitesdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cognite/cognitesdk';


Cognite Javascript SDK

The Cognite js library provides convenient access to the Cognite API from applications written in client- or server-side JavaScript.

The SDK supports authentication through api-keys (for server-side applications) and bearer tokens (for web applications).


Link TBD


Install the package with yarn:

yarn add @cognite/cognitesdk

or npm

npm install @cognite/cognitesdk --save


const sdk = require('@cognite/cognitesdk');


Using ES modules

import sdk from '@cognite/cognitesdk';

Using typescript

The SDK is written in native typescript, so no extra types needs to be defined.

import * as sdk from '@cognite/cognitesdk';


Api key

Authenticating with an api key should only happen when building server-side applications.

const sdk = require('@cognite/cognitesdk');
  project: 'yourProject',
  apiKey: 'yourApiKey',

It is generally a good idea store the api key as an environment variable, so it's not directly part of your code.

Configuring for a web application

See the react example

More Information


There is one integration test that requires a api key. In order to run this, you need an api key for the cognitesdk-js tenant. Talk to any of the contributors or leave an issue and it'll get sorted. Jenkins will run the test and has its own api key. Set the environment variable COGNITE_CREDENTIALS to your api-key.

Run all tests:

$ yarn
$ yarn test

We use jest to run tests, see their documentation for more information.