
Authenication helper for CDP including a React wrapper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cogniteFrontendAuthProvider from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cognite/frontend-auth-provider';


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Cognite Frontend Auth Provider

Build Status

The Cognite Frontend Auth Provider makes it easy to integrate Cognite's login flow into any web application.

You need to use the Cognite JavaScript SDK with this module.


Install the package with yarn:

yarn add @cognite/frontend-auth-provider

or npm

npm install @cognite/frontend-auth-provider --save

Getting Started

See the examples folder on how to use this module.

Using Typescript

The SDK is written in native typescript, so no extra types needs to be defined.



Apache 2.0


How to release a new version:

  1. Create a new branch
  2. Commit changes (if any)
  3. Run
    $ npm version [patch/minor/major]
  4. Push branch and push tags (git push --tags)
  5. Create a new pull requests
  6. A new version will be published when PR is merged