
Enable methods to be called in chain

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cokencodeChainify from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cokencode/chainify';



Make functions of an instance chainable

How to use Chainify

const chainify = require('@cokencode/chainify');

// An example instance
const calculator = {
  addOne: number => number + 1
  multiplyByTwo: number => number * 2
  addOnePromise: number => Promise.resolve(number + 1)

const chainableCaluculator = chainify(calculator, 3);

  .then(result => console.log(result));


  • chainify(instance, initialValue)

    • instance: Any object whose methods will be able to be chained.
    • initialValue (optional): The value that is passed to a first function chained as an parameter
  • unwrapChainify(): This method can be called in a chain in order get a result value. It returns Promise. Warning: After calling this function, methods can no longer be chained.