
Colabo tool command puzzle - managing codemod operations (based on https://github.com/facebook/jscodeshift)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import colaboToolCCodemod from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@colabo-tool/c-codemod';


Colabo Tool - Support for performing codemod operations over code

Based on: https://github.com/facebook/jscodeshift Inspired with https://github.com/reactjs/react-codemod/blob/master/bin/cli.js

The main added value is that we can have multiple passes and therefore solve for example more complex transformations, happening across multiple files, for example

  1. renaming a particular identifier (for example, class or interface) and successively all of its references in the whole codebase, excluding same identifier name but not related to it (same interface name from different package, module, or common used word, like flow)
  2. more declarative parameters
    • support for passing parameters in external json file
  3. support for importing transformation in equal way to npm import: package name, local or relative/absoulte path