Provides config support for the Colabo.Space Ecosystem
This is isomorphic puzzle and can be used both in backend and frontend system
How to use the puzzle
There are two phases of initialization of config:
- INIT-1: load config data
- INIT-2: init config puzzle with config data
They are separate because in some systems they should happen at separate places, at separate time
Config file:
The best practice is to put it at <backend_app_folder>/config/global.js
NOTE: it is important that this file is not imported, but required and that it is therefore JS (not TS, although it can be, if we still do not import it) because otherwise it would be bundled in a final file during building and we wouldn't be able to change the config after building project
The basic of the config file is:
'use strict';
// this is file is available to the rest of the system
// through the puzzle `@colabo-utils/i-config`
// please read `@colabo-utils/i-config/` for more details
// NOTE: it is important that this file is not imported, but required
// and that it is therefore JS (not TS, although it can be, if we still do not import it)
// because otherwise it would be bundled in a final file during building
// and we wouldn't be able to change the config after building project
if (!global.hasOwnProperty('general')) {
console.log("[config/global.js] Setting up global.general");
global.general = {
// active map
// mapId: '5b96619b86f3cc8057216a03',
if (!global.hasOwnProperty('puzzles')) {
console.log("Setting up global.puzzles");
global.puzzles = {
// '@colabo-topiChat/b-talk': {
// saveTalkToMap: true,
// mapId: "5b96619b86f3cc8057216a03",
// iAmId: "1b96619b86f3cc8057216a05",
// nodeId: ""
// }
module.exports = global;
The best practice is to initialize it from the main backend file: <backend_app_folder>/index.ts
// load the configuration file
let configFile = require('./config/global');
console.log("[Colabo.Space:index] configFile.paths: %s", JSON.stringify(configFile.paths));
// provide it to the config puzzle
let config = require('@colabo-utils/i-config');
let globalSet:any = configFile.globalSet;
Access the config data
Now you can access the config data at any part of the code as simply as (the example is from the backend puzzle: @colabo-topiChat/b-talk
const MODULE_NAME:string = "@colabo-topiChat/b-talk";
import {GetPuzzle} from '@colabo-utils/i-config';
let puzzleConfig:any = GetPuzzle(MODULE_NAME);
console.log("[TopiChatTalk] mapId = ", puzzleConfig.mapId);
In the frontend there is still problem with the INIT-1
phase. We cannot put it early enough to be sure that any later use of it will have it ready.
NOTE: the reason is that we want to provide it available on angular components declaration-time, not only at initialization/use time.
For example:
- a file that has a service component is imported (declaration-time) at early phase, and
- later service is instantiated and
- even later it is used
Solutions that exist with pre-booting are working fine for cases 2 and 3, but not for 1
Therefore, we need to setup INIT-1 phase through manual injection of config file (usually: <frontend_app_folder>/src/config/global.js
). So far we are doing it by injecting it in the index.html
<script src="config/global.js"></script>
The phase INIT-2 happens at the beginning of the polyfills.ts
// let configFile = require('./config/global');
// import * as configFile from './config/global';
let globalSet = (<any>window).globalSet;
console.log("[polyfills.ts] globalSet.puzzles: %s", JSON.stringify(globalSet.puzzles));
// let config = require('@colabo-utils/i-config');
import * as config from '@colabo-utils/i-config';
Access the config data
Now you can access the config data at any part of the code as simply as (the example is from the frontend puzzle: @colabo-rima/rima_aaa
, file rima-aaa.service.ts
import * as config from '@colabo-utils/i-config';
console.log("[rima-aaa.service] config.GetGeneral('mapId'):", config.GetGeneral('mapId'));