React Table
is a lightweight, fast and extendable datagrid built for React
- Lightweight at 11kb (and just 2kb more for styles)
- Fully customizable (JSX, templates, state, styles, callbacks)
- Client-side & Server-side pagination
- Multi-sort
- Filters
- Pivoting & Aggregation
- Minimal design & easily themeable
- Fully controllable via optional props and callbacks
- "Why I wrote React Table and the problems it has solved for" by Tanner Linsley
Demos and examples
- This documentation is for version 6 of react-table.
- View the Changelog
- Previous versions:
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Example
- Data
- Props
- Columns
- Column Header Groups
- Custom Cell and Header and Footer Rendering
- Styles
- Custom Props
- Pivoting and Aggregation
- Sub Tables and Sub Components
- Server-side Data
- Fully Controlled Component
- Functional Rendering
- Multi-Sort
- Filtering
- Component Overrides
- Contributing
- Scripts
- Used By
- Install React Table as a dependency
# Yarn
$ yarn add react-table
$ npm install react-table
- Import the
// ES6
import ReactTable from "react-table";
// ES5
var ReactTable = require("react-table").default;
- Import styles by including
// JS (Webpack)
import 'react-table/react-table.css'
// Old-school
<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/react-table/react-table.css">
<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var ReactTable = window.ReactTable.default
import ReactTable from 'react-table'
render() {
const data = [{
name: 'Tanner Linsley',
age: 26,
friend: {
name: 'Jason Maurer',
age: 23,
const columns = [{
Header: 'Name',
accessor: 'name' // String-based value accessors!
}, {
Header: 'Age',
accessor: 'age',
Cell: props => <span className='number'>{props.value}</span> // Custom cell components!
}, {
id: 'friendName', // Required because our accessor is not a string
Header: 'Friend Name',
accessor: d => // Custom value accessors!
}, {
Header: props => <span>Friend Age</span>, // Custom header components!
accessor: 'friend.age'
Simply pass the data
prop anything that resembles an array or object. Client-side sorting and pagination are built in, and your table will update gracefully as you change any props. Server-side data is also supported!
Pro Tip: Using the resolveData
prop - Any time the data
prop value changes (using a ===
comparison), the table will update, but sometimes you need to materialize, alter, or shape this data before it enters the table. To do this, you can use the resolveData
prop! It recieves the data
prop as the only parameter and returns the resolved data.
data={myData} // The data prop should be immutable and only change when you want to update the table
resolveData={data => => row)} // But you can break immutability here because `resolveData` runs when the `data` prop changes!
These are all of the available props (and their default values) for the main <ReactTable />
// General
data: [],
resolveData: data => resolvedData,
loading: false,
showPagination: true,
showPaginationTop: false,
showPaginationBottom: true
showPageSizeOptions: true,
pageSizeOptions: [5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100],
defaultPageSize: 20,
minRows: undefined, // controls the minimum number of rows to display - default will be `pageSize`
// NOTE: if you set minRows to 0 then you get rid of empty padding rows BUT your table formatting will also look strange when there are ZERO rows in the table
showPageJump: true,
collapseOnSortingChange: true,
collapseOnPageChange: true,
collapseOnDataChange: true,
freezeWhenExpanded: false,
sortable: true,
multiSort: true,
resizable: true,
filterable: false,
defaultSortDesc: false,
defaultSorted: [],
defaultFiltered: [],
defaultResized: [],
defaultExpanded: {},
defaultFilterMethod: (filter, row, column) => {
const id = filter.pivotId ||
return row[id] !== undefined ? String(row[id]).startsWith(filter.value) : true
defaultSortMethod: (a, b, desc) => {
// force null and undefined to the bottom
a = a === null || a === undefined ? '' : a
b = b === null || b === undefined ? '' : b
// force any string values to lowercase
a = typeof a === 'string' ? a.toLowerCase() : a
b = typeof b === 'string' ? b.toLowerCase() : b
// Return either 1 or -1 to indicate a sort priority
if (a > b) {
return 1
if (a < b) {
return -1
// returning 0, undefined or any falsey value will use subsequent sorts or
// the index as a tiebreaker
return 0
PadRowComponent: () => <span> </span>, // the content rendered inside of a padding row
// Controlled State Overrides (see Fully Controlled Component section)
page: undefined,
pageSize: undefined,
sorted: [],
filtered: [],
resized: [],
expanded: {},
// Controlled State Callbacks
onPageChange: undefined,
onPageSizeChange: undefined,
onSortedChange: undefined,
onFilteredChange: undefined,
onResizedChange: undefined,
onExpandedChange: undefined,
// Pivoting
pivotBy: undefined,
// Key Constants
pivotValKey: '_pivotVal',
pivotIDKey: '_pivotID',
subRowsKey: '_subRows',
aggregatedKey: '_aggregated',
nestingLevelKey: '_nestingLevel',
originalKey: '_original',
indexKey: '_index',
groupedByPivotKey: '_groupedByPivot',
// Server-side callbacks
onFetchData: () => null,
// Classes
className: '',
style: {},
// Component decorators
getProps: () => ({}),
getTableProps: () => ({}),
getTheadGroupProps: () => ({}),
getTheadGroupTrProps: () => ({}),
getTheadGroupThProps: () => ({}),
getTheadProps: () => ({}),
getTheadTrProps: () => ({}),
getTheadThProps: () => ({}),
getTheadFilterProps: () => ({}),
getTheadFilterTrProps: () => ({}),
getTheadFilterThProps: () => ({}),
getTbodyProps: () => ({}),
getTrGroupProps: () => ({}),
getTrProps: () => ({}),
getThProps: () => ({}),
getTdProps: () => ({}),
getTfootProps: () => ({}),
getTfootTrProps: () => ({}),
getTfootThProps: () => ({}),
getPaginationProps: () => ({}),
getLoadingProps: () => ({}),
getNoDataProps: () => ({}),
getResizerProps: () => ({}),
// Global Column Defaults
// To override only some values, import { ReactTableDefaults } from 'react-table'
// and construct your overrides (e.g. {...ReactTableDefaults.column, className: 'react-table-cell'})
column: {
// Renderers
Cell: undefined,
Header: undefined,
Footer: undefined,
Aggregated: undefined,
Pivot: undefined,
PivotValue: undefined,
Expander: undefined,
Filter: undefined,
// Standard options
sortable: undefined, // use table default
resizable: undefined, // use table default
filterable: undefined, // use table default
show: true,
minWidth: 100,
// Cells only
className: '',
style: {},
getProps: () => ({}),
// Headers only
headerClassName: '',
headerStyle: {},
getHeaderProps: () => ({})
// Footers only
footerClassName: '',
footerStyle: {},
getFooterProps: () => ({}),
filterAll: false,
filterMethod: undefined,
sortMethod: undefined,
defaultSortDesc: undefined,
// Global Expander Column Defaults
// To override only some values, import { ReactTableDefaults } from 'react-table'
// and construct your overrides (e.g. {...ReactTableDefaults.expanderDefaults, sortable: true})
expanderDefaults: {
sortable: false,
resizable: false,
filterable: false,
width: 35
// Global Pivot Column Defaults
pivotDefaults: {},
// Text
previousText: 'Previous',
nextText: 'Next',
loadingText: 'Loading...',
noDataText: 'No rows found',
pageText: 'Page',
ofText: 'of',
rowsText: 'rows',
// Accessibility Labels
pageJumpText: 'jump to page',
rowsSelectorText: 'rows per page',
You can easily override the core defaults like so:
import { ReactTableDefaults } from "react-table";
Object.assign(ReactTableDefaults, {
defaultPageSize: 10,
minRows: 3
// etc...
Or just define them as props
// etc...
<ReactTable />
requires a columns
prop, which is an array of objects containing the following properties
// Renderers - For more information, see "Renderers" section below
Cell: JSX | String | Function // Used to render a standard cell, defaults to the accessed value
Header: JSX | String | Function // Used to render the header of a column or column group
Footer: JSX | String | Function // Used to render the footer of a column
Filter: JSX | cellInfo => ( // Used to render the filter UI of a filter-enabled column
<select onChange={event => onFiltersChange(} value={filter ? filter.value : ''}></select>
// The value passed to onFiltersChange will be the value passed to filter.value of the filterMethod
Aggregated: JSX | String | Function // Used to render aggregated cells. Defaults to a comma separated list of values.
Pivot: JSX | String | Function | cellInfo => ( // Used to render a pivoted cell
<Expander /><PivotValue /> // By default, will utilize the the PivotValue and Expander components at run time
PivotValue: JSX | String | Function // Used to render the value inside of a Pivot cell
Expander: JSX | String | Function // Used to render the expander in both Pivot and Expander cells
// General
accessor: 'propertyName', // or Accessor eg. (row) => row.propertyName (see "Accessors" section for more details)
id: 'myProperty', // Conditional - A unique ID is required if the accessor is not a string or if you would like to override the column name used in server-side calls
sortable: boolean, // Overrides the table option
resizable: boolean, // Overrides the table option
filterable: boolean, // Overrides the table option
show: true, // can be used to hide a column
width: undefined, // A hardcoded width for the column. This overrides both min and max width options
minWidth: 100, // A minimum width for this column. If there is extra room, column will flex to fill available space (up to the max-width, if set)
maxWidth: undefined, // A maximum width for this column.
// Special
pivot: false,
// Turns this column into a special column for specifying pivot position in your column definitions.
// The `pivotDefaults` options will be applied on top of this column's options.
// It will also let you specify rendering of the header (and header group if this special column is placed in the `columns` option of another column)
expander: false,
// Turns this column into a special column for specifying expander position and options in your column definitions.
// The `expanderDefaults` options will be applied on top of this column's options.
// It will also let you specify rendering of the header (and header group if this special column is placed in the `columns` option of another column) and
// the rendering of the expander itself via the `Expander` property
// Cell Options
className: '', // Set the classname of the `td` element of the column
style: {}, // Set the style of the `td` element of the column
// Header & HeaderGroup Options
headerClassName: '', // Set the classname of the `th` element of the column
headerStyle: {}, // Set the style of the `th` element of the column
getHeaderProps: (state, rowInfo, column, instance) => ({}), // a function that returns props to decorate the `th` element of the column
// Header Groups only
columns: [...], // See Header Groups section below
// Footer
footerClassName: '', // Set the classname of the `td` element of the column's footer
footerStyle: {}, // Set the style of the `td` element of the column's footer
getFooterProps: (state, rowInfo, column, instance) => ({}), // A function that returns props to decorate the `td` element of the column's footer
// Filtering
filterMethod: (filter, row || rows, column) => {return true}, // A function returning a boolean that specifies the filtering logic for the column
// 'filter' == an object specifying which filter is being applied. Format: {id: [the filter column's id], value: [the value the user typed in the filter field], pivotId: [if filtering on a pivot column, the pivotId will be set to the pivot column's id and the `id` field will be set to the top level pivoting column]}
// 'row' || 'rows' == the row (or rows, if filterAll is set to true) of data supplied to the table
// 'column' == the column that the filter is on
filterAll: false
React Table supports very flexible renderers for just about everything:
- Renders a standard cellHeader
- Renders a column header or column group headerFooter
- Renders a column footerFilter
- Renders a column's filter UIAggregated
- Renders an aggregated cellPivot
- Renders a pivoted cell (by default, will utilizeExpander
- Renders the value inside aPivot
- Renders the Expander used in both the defaultPivot
renderer and any expander-designated column
Any of these renderers can be one of the following:
- A React Class
- JSX or any rendered react component
- Stateless functional component
- Function that returns any primitive
All of these formats receive the following props:
// Row-level props
row: Object, // the materialized row of data
original: , // the original row of data
index: '', // the index of the row in the original array
viewIndex: '', // the index of the row relative to the current view
level: '', // the nesting level of this row
nestingPath: '', // the nesting path of this row
aggregated: '', // true if this row's values were aggregated
groupedByPivot: '', // true if this row was produced by a pivot
subRows: '', // any sub rows defined by the `subRowKey` prop
// Cells-level props
isExpanded: '', // true if this row is expanded
value: '', // the materialized value of this cell
resized: '', // the resize information for this cell's column
show: '', // true if the column is visible
width: '', // the resolved width of this cell
maxWidth: '', // the resolved maxWidth of this cell
tdProps: '', // the resolved tdProps from `getTdProps` for this cell
columnProps: '', // the resolved column props from 'getProps' for this cell's column
classes: '', // the resolved array of classes for this cell
styles: '' // the resolved styles for this cell
Accessors are functions that return the value to populate the row's value for the column. This lets the render function not have to worry about accessing the correct data, the value is automatically populated in it's props.
If a string
or array
is passed the default accessor is used.
The default accessor will parse the input into an array and recursively flatten it.
Any values that contain a dot (.
) will be split.
Any values that contain bracket ([]
) will be split.
This array is then used as the path to the value to return.