Fully composable JSX toolkit supporting both synchronous and asynchronous components.
Configure JSX pragma to use composable
"presets": ["@babel/env"],
"plugins": ["@babel/transform-runtime", ["transform-react-jsx", { "pragma": "composable" }]]
/* @jsx composable */
Documentation coming soon. For now, gather what you can from this example:
import http from "axios";
import { composable, renderDOM, renderString, useState, useEffect } from "@collaboratory/jiffy";
function Button({ children, ...props }) {
const { color, ...attributes } = props;
return <button {...attributes} >{children}</button>;
async function AsyncComponent() {
const data = await http.get("").then(({data}) => data);
const total = Object.values(data.bpi).reduce((a, b) => a + b);
const avg = total / Object.keys(data.bpi).length;
return <div>Total: {total}, Average: {avg}</div>;
function SyncComponent() {
const [bpi, setBPI] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log('Setting BPI');
}, 3000);
}, () => {
console.log('Sync component unounted', bpi)
return bpi === 42 ? <div>42!</div> : <div>Synchronous render component</div>;
function onButtonClick(e) {
console.log('Button clicked', e);
const App = ({ title = "App A" }) => (
<Button onClick={onButtonClick} color="green">Click Me</Button>
<AsyncComponent />
<SyncComponent />
window.onload = () => {
// Async render to string with optional support for re-render callback
const rootC = document.getElementById("rootC");
renderString(<App title="App C"/>, { onReRender: asString => {
rootC.innerHTML = asString;
} }).then(asString => {
rootC.innerHTML = asString;
// All of these renders are async in nature but only one can execute at a time (for now).
renderDOM(<App title="App A" />, document.getElementById("root"));
renderDOM(<App title="App B" />, document.getElementById("rootB"));