
Community supported, client library for AT&T API Marketplace

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import collaborizmApimarket from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@collaborizm/apimarket';


AT&T API Marketplace - Community Nodejs Client

npm version

Get started with the new API Marketplace at https://apimarket.att.com

Clone the examples! https://github.com/rlancer/apimarket-examples**


$ npm i @collaborizm/apimarket

Built with Typescript, types included!


Library automatically refreshes access tokens, no need to worry about testing for token expiration.

 import { APIMarketplaceClient } from '@collaborizm/apimarket'

 // for user authentication 
 const apiMarketplaceClient = new APIMarketplaceClient({
                                   username: '<USERNAME>',
                                   password: '<PASSWORD>',
                                   grant_type: 'password',
                                   client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
                                   scope: 'openid'
 // for project authentication                                                           
 const apiMarketplaceClient = new APIMarketplaceClient({
                                   grant_type: 'client_credentials',
                                   client_id: '<CLIENT_ID>',
                                   client_secret: '<CLIENT_SECRET>',
                                   scope: 'openid'
 // returns and object { id_token, access_token, id_token_decoded})          

Usage with API Marketplace Javascript SDK

// Execute authentication on server

// getValidToken will automatically refresh your access token if it's about to expire  
const tokenFromServer = await apiMarketplaceClient.getValidToken() 

// Include JS SDK included on client  
const kandy = Kandy.create({
  logs: {
    logLevel: 'debug'
  authentication: {
    server: {
      base: 'oauth-cpaas.att.com'
    clientCorrelator: 'sampleCorrelator'

const { id_token, access_token } = authenticateProject

this.kandy.setTokens({ idToken: id_token, accessToken: access_token })

Simple send SMS message

Creates a communication channel if one doesn't exist and sends an SMS

  await apiMarketplaceClient.simpleSmsSend({
    toAddress: '+15555555555',
    message: 'Hey',
    callbackUrl: 'http://example.com/callback'

REST API Methods

If you'd like to use any of the standard REST api methods, they're all here too

  await apiMarketplaceClient.sendSMS({
    toAddress: '+15555555555',
    message: 'Hey',
    clientCorrelator: '<FROM COMMUNICATION CHANNEL>'