
Background ========== The compliance template editor is a web ui for editing question templates. A new question template can be created from scratch or an existing template can be modified.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import collectorSolutionsCollectorComplianceTemplateEditor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@collector-solutions/collector-compliance-template-editor';



The compliance template editor is a web ui for editing question templates. A new question template can be created from scratch or an existing template can be modified.

The current suggested workflow is to retrieve the json representation of the question template using the compliance api (swagger), copy the json into the edit box in the template editor, use the ui to edit and then copy the new json representation into swagger for a POST question template action.

The template editor is written in elm.

sample screenshot

Getting started

  1. Install elm
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Run "elm reactor" in the root folder it will start a web server on http://localhost:8000.
  4. Surf to http://localhost:8000
  5. Select Main.elm (first time will take quite some time to build since packages will be downloaded)

You may use any editor ofcourse but visual studio code works fine with the elm plugin.


This elm tutorial is quite good. It might be worth having a look at if you are not familiar with elm.

This project uses functional lenses or optics to modify the application state instead of having lots of different update messages. Using lenses in elm is a bit controversial but I found it rather convenient.


> elm make ./src/Main.elm --output=index.js


To run the tests locally you need to install elm-test.

> elm-test --fuzz 40


> npm login
> npm publish --access public