Alfresco JavaScript API Client
This project provides a JavaScript client API into the Alfresco REST API and Activiti REST API.
- Full documentation of all the methods of each API
- Prerequisites
- Node
- Api Modules complete methods list
- Install
- Use
- Authentication JS-API
- Custom Endpoint
- Error Events
- Development
- Release History
Full documentation of all the methods of each API
To correctly use the alfresco js api the minimal supported version are:
- 5.2.a-EA Alfresco Platform Repository (version 5.2.a-EA or newer)
- 1.5 Activiti
To correctly use the alfresco-js-api in node check that on your machine is running Node version 5.0.0 or higher.
Api Modules complete methods list
- Authentication API
- Core API
- Governance core API
- Governance classification API
- Discovery API
- Search API
- Activiti API
- Mock API
Installer for browser versions:
npm install --save alfresco-js-api
Installer for node versions:
npm install --save alfresco-js-api-node
Import library for node projects
var AlfrescoApi = require('alfresco-js-api-node');
Import library for browser projects
<script src="node_modules/alfresco-js-api/dist/alfresco-js-api.min.js"></script>
or for not minify version
<script src="node_modules/alfresco-js-api/dist/alfresco-js-api.js"></script>
Authentication JS-API
AlfrescoApi({alfrescoHost, activitiHost, contextRoot, ticket});
Property | Description | default value |
hostEcm | (Optional value The Ip or Name of the host where your Alfresco instance is running ) | |
hostBpm | (Optional value The Ip or Name of the host where your Activiti instance is running ) | |
authType | (Optional value can be 'BASIC' or 'OAUTH') | 'BASIC' |
oauth2 | (Optional configuration for SSO) | |
contextRoot | (Optional value that define the context Root of the Alfresco ECM API default value is alfresco ) | alfresco |
contextRootBpm | (Optional value that define the context Root of the Activiti API default value is activiti-app ) | alfresco |
provider | (Optional value default value is ECM. This parameter can accept as value ECM BPM or ALL to use the API and Login in the ECM, Activiti BPM or Both ) | alfresco |
ticket | (Optional only if you want login with the ticket see example below) | |
disableCsrf | To disable CSRF Token to be submitted. Only for Activiti call. | false |
withCredentials | (Optional configuration for SSO, requires CORS on ECM) | false |
Login with Username and Password BPM and ECM
this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi({ provider:'ALL' });
this.alfrescoJsApi.login('admin', 'admin').then(function (data) {
console.log('API called successfully Login in BPM and ECM performed ');
}, function (error) {
Login with Username and Password ECM
this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi();
this.alfrescoJsApi.login('admin', 'admin').then(function (data) {
console.log('API called successfully Login ticket:' + data);
}, function (error) {
//The output will be: API called successfully Login ticket: TICKET_4479f4d3bb155195879bfbb8d5206f433488a1b1
Login with ticket
If you already know thw ticket when you invoke the constructor you can pass it as parameter in the constructor otherwise you can call the login with ticket that will validate the ticket against the server
Login with ticket ECM
This authentication validate also the ticket against the server
var ticket = 'TICKET_4479f4d3bb155195879bfbb8d5206f433488a1b1';
this.alfrescoJsApi.loginTicket(ticket).then(function (data) {
console.log('valid ticket you are logged in');
}, function (error) {
Login with ticket ECM/BPM as parameter in the constructor
With this authentication the ticket is not validated against the server
//Login ticket ECM
this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi({ ticketEcm:'TICKET_4479f4d3bb155195879bfbb8d5206f433488a1b1', hostEcm:''});
//Login ticket BPM
this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi({ ticketBpm: 'Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=', hostBpm:''});
//Login ticket ECM and BPM
this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi({ ticketEcm:'TICKET_4479f4d3bb155195879bfbb8d5206f433488a1b1', ticketBpm: 'Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=', hostEcm:'', hostBpm:''});
Login with Username and Password BPM
this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi({ provider:'BPM' });
this.alfrescoJsApi.login('admin', 'admin').then(function (data) {
console.log('API called successfully Login in Activiti BPM performed ');
}, function (error) {
Login with OAUTH2 Alfresco authorization server
Implicit Flow
If your want to be redirect to the authorization server and login there you can use the implicit flow to login
oauth2 properties
Property | Description | default value |
host | Your oauth2 server URL | null |
clientId | Your clientId oauth2 | null |
secret | Your secret oauth2 | null |
scope | Your scope | null |
implicitFlow | true/false | false |
redirectUri | url to be redirect after login | null |
redirectLogout | url to be redirect after logout optional, if is nor present the redirectUri will be used | null |
refreshTokenTimeout | millisecond value, after how many millisecond youw ant refresh the token | 40000 |
redirectSilentIframeUri | url to be redirect after silent refresh login | /assets/silent-refresh.html |
silentLogin | direct execute the implicit login without the need od call this.alfrescoJsApi.implicitLogin() method | false |
The alfresco-js-api will automatically redirect you to the login page anf refresh the token if necessary
Property | Description | default value |
implicit_redirect | triggered when the user is redirect to the auth server return url parameter of the redirect | |
discovery | triggered when all the openId discovery url phase is terminated returnl an object with all the discovered url | |
token_issued | triggered when a new token is issued |
The alfresco-js-api will automatically redirect you to the login page anf refresh the token if necessary
this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi({
oauth2: {
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
secret: 'SECRET',
scope: 'openid',
implicitFlow: true,
redirectUri: 'YOUR_HOME_APP_URL',
silentRefreshTimeout: '600000' //Optional parameter 10 minutes default value
authType: 'OAUTH',
provider: 'ALL'
Example skip login form
this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi({
oauth2: {
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
secret: 'SECRET',
scope: 'openid',
implicitFlow: true,
redirectUri: 'YOUR_HOME_APP_URL',
silentRefreshTimeout: '600000' //Optional parameter 10 minutes default value,
silentLogin: true
authType: 'OAUTH',
provider: 'ALL'
Password Flow
If your auth endpoint is different from the standard one "/oauth/token" you can override it through the property authPath
this.alfrescoJsApi = new AlfrescoApi({
oauth2: {
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
secret: 'SECRET',
authType: 'OAUTH',
provider: 'ALL'
this.alfrescoJsApi.login('admin', 'admin').then(function (data) {
console.log('API called successfully Login in with authorization server performed ');
}, function (error) {
After the login if you want refresh your token you can use this call
this.alfrescoJsApi.refreshToken()then(function (data) {
console.log('Your token has been refreshed');
}, function (error) {
this.alfrescoJsApi.logout().then(function (data) {
console.log('Successfully Logout');
}, function (error) {
console.error('Possible ticket already expired');
return true if you are logged in false if you are not.
var isLoggedIn = this.alfrescoJsApi.isLoggedIn();
if (isLoggedIn) {
console.log('You are logged in');
} else {
console.log('You are not logged in');
Get tickets
After the log in you can retrieve you ECM ticket
var ecmTicket = this.alfrescoJsApi.getTicketEcm() ;
console.log('This is your ECM ticket ' + ecmTicket);
After the log in you can retrieve you BPM ticket
var bpmTicket = this.alfrescoJsApi.getTicketBpm();
console.log('This is your BPM ticket ' + bpmTicket);
Events login/logout
The login/logout are also an EventEmitter which you can register to listen to any of the following event types:
- unauthorized (If this event is triggered a call to the Api was unauthorized)
- success (If this event is triggered the login was success you can use this event instead the login promise)
- logout (If this event is triggered the client is successfully logout)
this.alfrescoJsApi.login('admin', 'admin').on('unauthorized', function(){
console.log('You are unauthorized you can use this event to redirect to login');
this.alfrescoJsApi.login('admin', 'admin').on('success', function(){
console.log('Success Login');
this.alfrescoJsApi.logout().on('logout', function(){
console.log('Successfully Logout');
Custom Endpoint
Content service and process service has two different clients:
- this.alfrescoJsApi.bpmClient
- this.alfrescoJsApi.ecmClient
Both client expose a method *callApi
callApi(path: string, httpMethod: string, pathParams?: any, queryParams?: any, headerParams?: any, formParams?: any, bodyParam?: any, authNames?: string[], contentTypes?: string[], accepts?: string[], returnType?: any, contextRoot?: string, responseType?: string): Promise<any>;
If you want call your custom rest point in one of those two service use the corrispondin client.
'/api/enterprise/app-version', 'GET',
{}, {}, {}, {}, {},
[], ['application/json'], ['application/json'], {'String': 'String'}
A complete list of all the ECM methods is available here : Core API. Below you can find some common examples.
Get Node content
getFileContent(nodeId, opts)
Returns the file content of the node with identifier nodeId.
var nodeId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
this.alfrescoJsApi.core.nodesApi.getFileContent(nodeId).then(function(data) {
fs.writeFile('./test/grass.jpg', data, function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('The file was saved!');
}, function(error) {
Get File or Folder Info
getNodeInfo(fileOrFolderId, opts)
Get information for the File/Folder with the identifier nodeId. The identifier of a node. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as NodeId
var fileOrFolderId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
this.alfrescoJsApi.nodes.getNodeInfo(fileOrFolderId).then(function (data) {
console.log('This is the name' + );
}, function (error) {
console.log('This node does not exist');
Get Folder Children Info
getNodeChildren(fileOrFolderId, opts)
Minimal information for each child is returned by default. You can use the include parameter to return additional information. returns a promise with the Info about the children of the node if resolved and {error} if rejected. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as NodeId
var folderNodeId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
this.alfrescoJsApi.nodes.getNodeChildren(folderNodeId).then(function (data) {
console.log('The number of children in this folder are ' + data.list.pagination.count );
}, function (error) {
console.log('This node does not exist');
Create Folder
createFolder(name, relativePath, nodeIdParentFolder, opts)
createFolder return a promise that is resolved if the folder is created and {error} if rejected. You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as nodeIdParentFolder
this.alfrescoJsApi.nodes.createFolder('newFolderName').then(function (data) {
console.log('The folder is created in root');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);
this.alfrescoJsApi.nodes.createFolder('newFolderName', 'folderA/folderB').then(function (data) {
console.log('The folder is created in folderA/folderB from root');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);
var parentFolder = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c'
this.alfrescoJsApi.nodes.createFolder('newFolderName', 'folderA/folderB', parentFolder).then(function (data) {
console.log('The folder is created in folderA/folderB from parentFolder:' + parentFolder);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error in creation of this folder or folder already exist' + error);
CreateFolder With Auto Rename
createFolderAutoRename(name, relativePath, nodeIdParentFolder, opts)
is the same of createFolder(name, relativePath, nodeId, {autoRename: true}) is just syntactic sugar You can also use one of these well-known aliases: -my- , -shared- or -root- as nodeIdParentFolder
this.alfrescoJsApi.nodes.createFolderAutoRename('newFolderName').then(function (data) {
console.log('The folder is created in root');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error in creation of this folder' + error);
Upload File
uploadFile(fileDefinition, relativePath, nodeId, nodeBody, opts)
uploadFile return a promise that is resolved if the file is successful uploaded and {error} if rejected.
The fileDefinition provides information about files and allows JavaScript to access their content.
*Web File Definition File Definition are generally retrieved from a FileList object returned as a result of a user selecting files using the element
*Node File Definition File Definition are generally retrieved from a read Stram
var fs = require('fs');
var fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the root');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
this.alfrescoJsApi.upload.uploadFile(fileToUpload, null, null, null, {autoRename: true})
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the root');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
this.alfrescoJsApi.upload.uploadFile(fileToUpload, 'folderX/folderY/folderZ')
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the from root folderX/folderY/folderZ');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
var parentFolder = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
this.alfrescoJsApi.upload.uploadFile(fileToUpload, 'folderX/folderY/folderZ', parentFolder )
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the from parentFolder ' + parentFolder + ' n folderX/folderY/folderZ');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
The default behaviour of the Upload API will not create any thumbnail.
In order to create a thumbnail you have to perform to pass the parameter javascript{renditions: 'doclib'}
as in the example below.
This parameter will basically perform also a call to the Rendition API.
For more information about the Rendition API :
var fs = require('fs');
var fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
this.alfrescoJsApi.upload.uploadFile(fileToUpload, null, null, null, {renditions: 'doclib'})
.then(function () {
console.log('File Uploaded in the root');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error during the upload' + error);
- To abort a file uploading
var fs = require('fs');
var fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
var promiseUpload = this.alfrescoJsApi.upload.uploadFile(fileToUpload)
.once('abort', function () {
console.log('File Uploaded aborted');
Events Upload File
The uploadFile is also an EventEmitter which you can register to listen to any of the following event types:
- progress
- success
- abort
- error
- unauthorized
var fs = require('fs');
var fileToUpload = fs.createReadStream('./folderA/folderB/newFile.txt');
.on('progress', (progress) => {
console.log( 'Total :' + );
console.log( 'Loaded :' + progress.loaded );
console.log( 'Percent :' + progress.percent );
.on('success', () => {
console.log( 'Your File is uploaded');
.on('abort', () => {
console.log( 'Upload Aborted');
.on('error', () => {
console.log( 'Error during the upload');
.on('unauthorized', () => {
console.log('You are unauthorized');
Delete File or Folder
Delete File/Folder with the identifier nodeId, if the nodeId is a folder, then its children are also deleted Deleted nodes move to the trash bin is still possible to recover it
var fileOrFolderId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
this.alfrescoJsApi.nodes.deleteNode(fileOrFolderId).then(function (data) {
console.log('The file/folder is deleted');
}, function (error) {
console.log('This node does not exist');
Delete File or Folder Permanent
Delete File/Folder with the identifier nodeId, if the nodeId is a folder, then its children are also deleted If Deleted Permanent is used will not be possible recover the files
var fileOrFolderId = '80a94ac8-3ece-47ad-864e-5d939424c47c';
this.alfrescoJsApi.nodes.deleteNodePermanent(fileOrFolderId).then(function (data) {
console.log('The file/folder is deleted');
}, function (error) {
console.log('This node does not exist');
Get thumbnail Url
var thumbnailUrl = this.alfrescoJsApi.content.getDocumentThumbnailUrl('1a0b110f-1e09-4ca2-b367-fe25e4964a4');
Get preview Url
var previewUrl = this.alfrescoJsApi.content.getDocumentPreviewUrl('1a0b110f-1e09-4ca2-b367-fe25e4964a4');
Get content Url
var contentUrl = this.alfrescoJsApi.content.getContentUrl('1a0b110f-1e09-4ca2-b367-fe25e4964a4');
Custom web scripts call
For mor information about web scripts read the Wiki and the Wiki with Web ScriptsExamples
executeWebScript(httpMethod, scriptPath, scriptArgs, contextRoot, servicePath)
Anatomy of a Web Script URI http(s)://(host):(port)/(contextPath)/(servicePath)/(scriptPath)?(scriptArgs) A Web Script is simply a service bound to a URI which responds to HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. While using the same underlying code, there are broadly two kinds of Web Scripts.
Name | Description |
httpMethod | possible value GET, POST, PUT and DELETE |
scriptPath | path to Web Script (as defined by Web Script) |
scriptArgs | arguments to pass to Web Script |
contextRoot | path where application is deployed default value 'alfresco' |
servicePath | path where Web Script service is mapped default value 'service' |
postBody | post body |
//Call a GET on a Web Scripts available at the following URIs: http://127.0.01:8080/alfresco/service/mytasks
this.alfrescoJsApi.core.webscriptApi.executeWebScript('GET', 'mytasks').then(function (data) {
console.log('Data received form http://127.0.01:8080/alfresco/service/mytasks' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
//Call a GET on a Web Scripts available at the following URIs: http://127.0.01:8080/share/service/mytasks
this.alfrescoJsApi.core.webscriptApi.executeWebScript('GET', 'mytasks', null, 'share').then(function (data) {
console.log('Data received form http://127.0.01:8080/share/service/mytasks' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
//Call a GET on a Web Scripts available at the following URIs: http://127.0.01:8080/share/differentServiceSlug/mytasks
this.alfrescoJsApi.core.webscriptApi.executeWebScript('GET', 'mytasks', null, 'share', 'differentServiceSlug').then(function (data) {
console.log('Data received form http://127.0.01:8080/share/differentServiceSlug/mytasks' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
A complete list of all the BPM methods is available herActiviti API. Below you can find some common examples.
Task Api
Below you can find some example relative to the Activiti process api for all the possible method go to Task Api documentation
List Task
return a list of task based on the requestNode query
Name | Type | Description |
requestNode | Representation | requestNode |
var requestTasks = new this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.TaskQueryRequestRepresentation();
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.taskApi.listTasks(requestTasks).then(function (data) {
console.log('listTasks ' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
Get Task
return the TaskRepresentation of single task by id
Name | Type | Description |
taskId | String | taskId |
var taskId = '10'; // String | taskId
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.taskApi.getTask(taskId).then(function (data) {
console.log('Task representation ' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
Filter Task
return the ResultListDataRepresentation that is a list of all the task filered
Name | Type | Description |
requestTasks | TaskFilterRequestRepresentation | requestTasks |
var requestTasks = new this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.TaskFilterRequestRepresentation();
requestTasks.appDefinitionId = 1;
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.taskApi.filterTasks(requestTasks).then(function (data) {
console.log('Task filter list ' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
Complete Task
To complete a task (standalone or without a task form) :
Name | Type | Description |
taskId | String | taskId |
var taskId = '10'; // String | taskId
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.taskApi.completeTask(taskId).then(function () {
console.log('Task completed');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
Get Task Form
Retrieve the Task Form representation. FormDefinitionRepresentation
Name | Type | Description |
taskId | String | taskId |
var taskId = '10'; // String | taskId
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.taskApi.getTaskForm(taskId).then(function (data) {
console.log('Task form representation' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
Complete Task Form
completeTaskForm(taskId, completeTaskFormRepresentation)
Complete a Task Form
Name | Type | Description |
taskId | String | taskId |
completeTaskFormRepresentation | CompleteFormRepresentation | completeTaskFormRepresentation |
var taskId = '10'; // String | taskId
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.taskApi.completeTaskForm(taskId, completeTaskFormRepresentation).then(function () {
console.log('Task completed');
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
Process Api
Below you can find some example relative to the Activiti process api for all the possible method go to Process Api documentation
Get Process Instances
Retrieve a list of process instances ResultListDataRepresentation
Name | Type | Description |
requestNode | ProcessFilterRequestRepresentation | requestNode |
var requestNode = new this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.ProcessFilterRequestRepresentation();
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.processApi.getProcessInstances(requestNode).then(function (data) {
console.log('All processes' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
Filtered process:
var requestNode = new this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.ProcessFilterRequestRepresentation(); = 0;
requestNode.sort = 'created-desc';
requestNode.state = 'completed';
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.processApi.getProcessInstances(requestNode).then(function (data) {
console.log('All processes completed' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
Models Api
Below you can find some example relative to the Activiti process api for all the possible method go to Task Api documentation
Get Model
getModel(modelId, opts)
To retrieve details about a particular model (process, form, decision rule or app) return a ModelRepresentation
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
modelId | Integer | modelId | |
includePermissions | Boolean | includePermissions | [optional] |
var opts = {
'filter': 'myReusableForms',
'modelType': 2
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.modelsApi.getModels(opts).then(function (data) {
console.log('All your reusable forms' + data);
}, function (error) {
console.log('Error' + error);
Report Api
Below you can find some example relative to the Activiti report api for all the possible method go to Report Api documentation
Create default Reports
Create the default reports
No parameters required.
Get Reports
Retrieve the available report list
No parameters required.
Report Params
Retrieve the parameters referring to the reportId.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId |
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
Report Process Definitions
Retrieve the process definition list for all the apps.
No parameters required.
Tasks of process definition
getTasksByProcessDefinitionId(reportId, processDefinitionId)
Retrieves all tasks that refer to the processDefinitionId
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
processDefinitionId | String | process definition id |
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var processDefinitionId = "1"; // String | processDefinitionId
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.getTasksByProcessDefinitionId(reportId, processDefinitionId);
Generate reports
getReportsByParams(reportId, paramsQuery)
Generate the reports based on the input parameters
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
paramsQuery | Object | Query parameters |
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var paramsQuery = {status: 'ALL'}; // Object | paramsQuery
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.getReportsByParams(reportId, paramsQuery);
Update report details
updateReport(reportId, name)
Update the report details
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
name | String | The report name |
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var name = "new Fake name"; // String | reportId
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.updateReport(reportId, name);
Export to csv
exportToCsv(reportId, queryParms)
Export a report as csv
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
queryParms | Object | Query parameters |
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var queryParms = {
'processDefinitionId': 'TEST:99:999',
'dateRange': {
'startDate': '2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
'endDate': '2017-01-24T23:59:59.999Z',
'rangeId': 'currentYear'
'slowProcessInstanceInteger': 10,
'status': 'All',
'__reportName': 'FAKE_REPORT_NAME'
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.exportToCsv(reportId, queryParms);
Save Report
saveReport(reportId, queryParams)
Save a report
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId | |
queryParms | Object | Query parameters |
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
var queryParms = {
'processDefinitionId': 'TEST:99:999',
'dateRange': {
'startDate': '2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
'endDate': '2017-01-24T23:59:59.999Z',
'rangeId': 'currentYear'
'slowProcessInstanceInteger': 10,
'status': 'All',
'__reportName': 'FAKE_REPORT_NAME'
this.alfrescoJsApi.activiti.reportApi.saveReport(reportId, queryParms);
Delete report
Delete a report
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
reportId | String | reportId |
var reportId = "1"; // String | reportId
Error Events
The alfresco-js-api has an error handler event where you can subscribe
this.alfrescoJsApi.on('error', (error) => {
To run the build
$ npm run build
To run the build in watch mode
$ npm run watchify
To run the test
$ npm run test
To run the test coverage
$ npm run coverage
Release History
Read the [Changelog] (./