
Shared Eslint configuration for Comic Relief codebases.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import comicreliefEslintConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@comicrelief/eslint-config';



Shared ESLint configuration for Comic Relief codebases.


  1. Install eslint if you haven't already done so.

    yarn add eslint --dev
  2. Install this package.

    yarn add @comicrelief/eslint-config --dev
  3. Extend the desired configuration in your project's ESLint config:

    # .eslintrc.yml
      - '@comicrelief/eslint-config'

This will give you the default linting configuration, which includes rules from the flowtype, sonarjs and unicorn plugins.


As well as our default ESLint config, various common customisations are available that you can "mix in" to your config:

  • base: Base configuration that you should extend if you're not using @comicrelief/eslint-config. See TypeScript example below.
  • flowtype: Adds Flow typing rules.
  • jest: Uses the jest environment.
  • jsdoc: Adds JSDoc rules.
  • mocha: Uses the mocha environment.
  • sonarjs: Adds SonarJS rules.
  • unicorn: Adds Unicorn rules.

For example, in order for linting to work in tests, you should include the jest or mocha mixin:

# .eslintrc.yml
  - '@comicrelief/eslint-config'
  - '@comicrelief/eslint-config/mixins/jest'

When working in TypeScript, many rules that catch common JavaScript errors are no longer needed, and you would not want to use Flow. In this case, rather than use @comicrelief/eslint-config you should use @comicrelief/eslint-config/mixins/base.

# .eslintrc.yml
  - '@comicrelief/eslint-config/mixins/base'
  - '@comicrelief/eslint-config/mixins/ts'


Some of the configurations require additional dependencies. They are not listed as peerDependencies in package.json as they might not be used in all projects.


yarn add --dev \
  @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin \


  • Clone the repository.
  • Install the dependencies via yarn install.
  • Add / edit / remove rules as required.
  • Push a branch to this repo.
  • Test linting on a candidate repo by installing the develpoment branch via @comicrelief/eslint-config#branch_name.


If you're using the ESLint plugin for Visual Studio Code and you want to lint TypeScript files, you need to add the following key to your settings.json:

  "eslint.validate": ["typescript"]

The easiest way to edit your settings.json is via the Command Palette: ⇧⌘P Preferences: Open Settings (JSON).