
A controlled input component for localized money values with validation states.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commercetoolsUikitLocalizedMoneyInput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@commercetools-uikit/localized-money-input';




A controlled input component for localized money values with validation states.


import LocalizedMoneyInput from '@commercetools-uikit/localized-money-input';

    USD: { currencyCode: 'USD', amount: '12.22' },
    EUR: { currencyCode: 'EUR', amount: '41.44' },
  onChange={(event) => alert(event.target.name, event.target.value)}


Props Type Required Values Default Description
id string - - - Used as prefix of HTML id property. Each input field id will have the currency as a suffix (${idPrefix}.${lang}), e.g. foo.en
name string - - - Used as HTML name property for each input field. Each input field name will have the currency as a suffix (${namePrefix}.${lang}), e.g. foo.en
value object - - Values to use. Keyed by currency, the values are the money values, e.g. { USD: {currencyCode: 'USD', amount: '12.22'}, EUR: {currencyCode: 'EUR', amount: '41.44'} }
onChange function - - Gets called when any input is changed. Is called with the change event of the changed input.
selectedCurrency string - - Specifies which currency will be shown in case the LocalizedMoneyInput is collapsed.
onBlur function - - - Called when any field is blurred. Is called with the event of that field.
onFocus function - - - Called when any field is focussed. Is called with the event of that field.
hideCurrencyExpansionControls bool - - false Will hide the currency toggle controls when set to true. It always shows all currencies instead.
defaultExpandCurrencies bool - - false Controls whether one or all currencies are visible by default. Pass true to show all currencies by default.
isDisabled bool - - false Disables all input fields.
isReadOnly bool - - false Makes all input fields readonly.
placeholder object - - - Placeholders for each currency. Object of the same shape as value.
horizontalConstraint object - m, l, xl, scale scale Horizontal size limit of the input fields.
hasError bool - - - Will apply the error state to each input without showing any error message.
hasWarning bool - - - Indicates the input field has a warning
errors objectOf(node) - - - Used to show errors underneath the inputs of specific currencies. Pass an object whose key is a currency and whose value is the error to show for that key.
warnings objectOf(node) - - - Used to show warnings underneath the inputs of specific currencies. Pass an object whose key is a currency and whose value is the warning to show for that key.

The component forwards all data attribute props. It further adds a -${currency} suffix to the values of the data-test and data-track-component attributes, e.g data-test="foo" will get added to the input for en as data-test="foo-en".

Main Functions and use cases are:

  • Receiving localized input from user

Static Properties


The convertToMoneyValue function will turn a LocalizedMoneyInput value into a MoneyValue the API can handle. It automatically converts to centPrecision or highPrecision types when the number of supplied fraction digits exceeds the number of fraction digits used by the currency. If you want to forbid highPrecision, then the form's validation needs to add an error when it sees a highPrecision price. See example below.

Here are examples of centPrecision and highPrecision prices.

// 42.00 €
  "type": "centPrecision",
  "currencyCode": "EUR",
  "centAmount": 4200,
  "fractionDigits": 2
// 0.0123456 €
 "type": "highPrecision",
 "currencyCode": "EUR",
 "centAmount": 1,
 "preciseAmount": 123456,
 "fractionDigits": 7


The parseMoneyValue function will turn a MoneyValue into a value the LocalizedMoneyInput component can handle ({ amount, currencyCode }).


Returns array of the empty currencies

// -> []
  USD: { currencyCode: 'USD', amount: '' },
  EUR: { currencyCode: 'EUR', amount: '' },
// -> ['USD', 'EUR']
  USD: { currencyCode: 'USD', amount: '12.43' },
  EUR: { currencyCode: 'EUR', amount: '' },
// -> ['EUR']


Returns array of the currencies that have high precision amount

// -> []
  USD: {
    currencyCode: 'USD',
    amount: '12.2221',
  EUR: {
    currencyCode: 'EUR',
    amount: '9.9999',
// -> ['USD', 'EUR']
  USD: {
    currencyCode: 'USD',
    amount: '12.43',
  EUR: {
    currencyCode: 'EUR',
    amount: '0.00001',
// -> ['EUR']


The convertToMoneyValues function will turn a LocalizedMoneyInput value into array of MoneyValue the API can handle. It automatically converts to centPrecision or highPrecision types when the number of supplied fraction digits exceeds the number of fraction digits used by the currency. If you want to forbid highPrecision, then the form's validation needs to add an error when it sees a highPrecision price. See example below.

Here are examples of centPrecision and highPrecision prices.

// 42.00 €
    type: 'centPrecision',
    currencyCode: 'EUR',
    centAmount: 4200,
    fractionDigits: 2,
// 0.0123456 €
    type: 'highPrecision',
    currencyCode: 'EUR',
    centAmount: 1,
    preciseAmount: 123456,
    fractionDigits: 7,


The parseMoneyValues function will turn a MoneyValue into a value the LocalizedMoneyInput component can handle ({ [currencyCode]: {currencyCode, amount} }).


The getEmptyCurrencies function will return array of currencies that don't have amount .

  EUR: { currencyCode: 'EUR', amount: '' },
  USD: { currencyCode: 'USD', amount: '12.77' },
}); // -> ['EUR']

  EUR: { currencyCode: 'EUR', amount: '12.77' },
}); // -> []


Here's an example of how LocalizedMoneyInput would be used inside a form.

import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl';
import { Formik } from 'formik';
import omitEmpty from 'omit-empty-es';
import { ErrorMessage } from '@commercetools-uikit/messages';
import LocalizedMoneyInput from '@commercetools-uikit/localized-money-input';

// the existing document, e.g. from the database
const doc = {
  prices: [
      currencyCode: 'EUR',
      centAmount: 1200,
      currencyCode: 'AMD',
      centAmount: 3300,

// A function to convert a document to form values.
const docToFormValues = (doc) => ({
  // The parseMoneyValue function will turn a MoneyValue into a
  // value the LocalizedMoneyInput component can handle ({currency: amount})
  prices: LocalizedMoneyInput.parseMoneyValues(doc.prices),

// a function to convert form values back to a document
const formValuesToDoc = (formValues) => ({
  // The convertToMoneyValue function will convert a LocalizedMoneyInput
  // value into a value the API can handle
  // It automatically converts to centPrecision or highPrecision
  // depending on the number of supplied fraction digits and the
  // used currency code.
  // If you want to forbid highPrecision, then the form's validation
  // needs to add an error when it sees a highPrecision price.
  // See example below
  prices: LocalizedMoneyInput.convertToMoneyValues(formValues.prices),

const validate = (formValues) => {
  const errors = { prices: {} };
  Object.keys(formValues.prices).forEach((currency) => {
    errors.prices[currency] = {};
  const emptyCurrencies = LocalizedMoneyInput.getEmptyCurrencies(
  // ['EUR', 'USD']
  // This form doesn't accept high precision prices
  const highPrecisionCurrencies =

  // ['CAD', 'USD']
  emptyCurrencies.forEach((emptyCurrency) => {
    errors.prices[emptyCurrency].missing = true;
  highPrecisionCurrencies.forEach((highPrecisionCurrency) => {
    errors.prices[highPrecisionCurrency].highPrecision = true;

  return omitEmpty(errors);
const initialValues = docToFormValues(doc);
const renderErrors = (errors) => {
  Object.keys(errors.prices).reduce((currency) => {
    const error =
      (errors.prices[currency] && errors.prices[currency].missing && (
        <ErrorMessage>This field is required!</ErrorMessage>
      )) ||
      (errors.prices[currency] && errors.prices[currency].highPrecision && (
        <ErrorMessage>High precision prices not supported here!</ErrorMessage>
    return {
      [currency]: touched.prices[currency] && error,

return (
    onSubmit={(formValues) => {
      // doc will contain "prices" holding a MoneyValue,
      // ready to be consumed by the API
      const nextDoc = formValuesToDoc(formValues);
    }) => (
      <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>

        <button type="submit">Submit</button>