
Primary buttons are used for a primary action on a page. You must also pass a label for accessibility reasons.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commercetoolsUikitPrimaryButton from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@commercetools-uikit/primary-button';




Primary buttons are used for a primary action on a page. You must also pass a label for accessibility reasons.


yarn add @commercetools-uikit/primary-button
npm --save install @commercetools-uikit/primary-button

Additionally install the peer dependencies (if not present)

yarn add react
npm --save install react


import PrimaryButton from '@commercetools-uikit/primary-button';
import { InformationIcon } from '@commercetools-uikit/icons';

const Example = () => (
    iconLeft={<InformationIcon />}
    label="A label text"
    onClick={() => alert('Button clicked')}

export default Example;


Props Type Required Default Description
as TStringOrComponent You may pass in a string like "a" to have the button element render an anchor tag, or you could pass in a React Component, like a Link.
The <PrimaryButton> additionally accepts any props or attributes specific to the given element or component.
type union
Possible values:
'button' , 'reset' , 'submit'
'button' Used as the HTML type attribute.
label string Should describe what the button does, for accessibility purposes (screen-reader users)
iconLeft ReactElement The left icon displayed within the button.
isToggleButton boolean false If this is active, it means the button will persist in an "active" state when toggled (see isToggled), and back to normal state when untoggled
isToggled boolean Tells when the button should present a toggled state. It does not have any effect when isToggleButton is false.
isDisabled boolean Tells when the button should present a disabled state.
onClick Function
See signature.
Handler when the button is clicked.
Required when as is undefined
size union
Possible values:
'small' , 'big'
'big' Indicates the size of the icon.
tone union
Possible values:
'urgent' , 'primary'
'primary' Indicates the color scheme of the button.


Signature onClick

  event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement> | KeyboardEvent<HTMLButtonElement>
) => void

The component further forwards all valid HTML attributes to the underlying button component.

Examples in the Merchant Center

  • Primary action: Save changes
  • Affirming affects: Submit a form
  • Attracting attention: Add a discount rule