
Committed layout library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commitdLayout from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@commitd/layout';


Committed Components Layout

Committed Badge Build Status

This is a simple layout for standard looking material based apps, based on Mui Layout but using @committed/components as its base.

🔗 Live Demo

Here's a live demo

🚀 Quickstart

For use with @committed/components,

yarn add @committed/layout

add any missing peer dependencies

yarn add @committed/components @material-ui/core @material-ui/icons react react-dom


import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import { ThemeProvider } from '@committed/components'
import { Root, Header, Nav, Content, Footer } from '/layout'

const App = () => (
      style={{ minHeight: '100vh' }}
          // adjust behavior here!
          // See LayoutConfig
          // you can provide fixed header inside nav
          // change null to some react element
          ctx => null

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'))

📱 Responsive

The layout adjusts for small screen sizes.

📝 Config

For each config parameter a single value or an object with breakpoint keys can be supplied, e.g.

const config = {
  navWidth: {
    // xs is 256px by default
    sm: 200, // in sm
    md: 256 // mdUp

đŸ’ģ Development

On first use run yarn install in both the root folder and the example folder.

The main build is currently performed using Rollup:

yarn build

For development use

yarn start

the same command can be run in the example folder to run a usage example.

🤖 CI

Pull requests go through CI checks using GitHub actions.

👏 Credit

It is based on Mui Layout from https://mui-treasury.com/ for further reference see https://github.com/siriwatknp/mui-layout.

Šī¸ License

MIT - Š Committed Software 2019 https://committed.io