
Effortlessly add a comment section to your website, and start the discussion on your content.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commontSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@commont/sdk';




Getting set up

To use Commont, you need to create a new account via our signup page. You can sign up using an email and password or by using GitHub or Google. Once you have an account, you can access the Commont dashboard. Initially, you'll see one default project that you can configure as you need.

👀 Read the docs for more information.

Installing @commont/sdk

yarn add @commont/sdk commont # npm install @commont/sdk

The package exports a Commont function that you can use to initialize the client.

Using the Commont client

Commont function takes two arguments:

  • projectId — Your project ID.
  • config — An optional argument of type CommontSdkConfig. You can configure whether commont client should return errors or throw errors. By default it does the former.

It returns an object with methods getComments and addComment.

Example usage

import { Commont } from '@commont/sdk';

const commont = Commont('my-project');

const res = await commont.getComments('my-blogpost');

if ('error' in res) {

console.log(res.comments, res.count);

const newComment = await commont.addComment('/my-blogpost', {
  author: 'me',
  content: 'Hello world!',
  details: {
    optionalKey: 'optional value',

With throwErrors: true

import { Commont } from '@commont/sdk';

const commont = Commont('my-project', { throwErrors: true });

try {
  const res = await commont.getComments('my-project');
} catch (err) {


API Reference


export interface Comment {
  author: string;
  content: string;
  topic: string;
  createdAt: string;
  details?: Record<string, any>;


export interface GetCommentsOptions {
  take?: number;
  skip?: number;


export type GetCommentsResult = {
  comments: Comment[];
  count: number;


export interface CommontSdkConfig {
  /** @default false */
  throwErrors?: boolean;


export type PossiblyCommontError<
  TOptions extends CommontSdkConfig
> = TOptions['throwErrors'] extends true ? never : CommontSDKError;


export class CommontSDKError extends Error {
  constructor(public error: string) {