
Embeddable widget for Educatly

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import commutatusEducatlyAmbassadorWidget from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@commutatus/educatly-ambassador-widget';


Educatly Ambassador widget

Importing: If you are using it with any app having npm:

Run npm install @commutatus/educatly-ambassador-widget --save

import '@commutatus/educatly-ambassador-widget

For all other use cases: Load script from https://unpkg.com/@commutatus/educatly-ambassador-widget@latest/bundle.js


<educatly-ambassador-widget plugin_path="YOUR_PLUGIN_PATH"></educatly-ambassador-widget>
Option Default Value Description Type
plugin_path The URL in your App where you embed the Educatly Ambassador Plugin String