
Jquery Autocomplete Plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import comodinxJqueryAutocomplete from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@comodinx/jquery-autocomplete';



Documentation and examples for adding custom Autocomplete with CSS and JavaScript.


This component was born with the purpose of preventing multiple elements from being loaded several times through ajax.

My problem was to have 2 combos with the same 10,000 elements. My solution was to load the elements to be used in the component once and reuse them. No need to render them all in HTML.


    <input id="element" placeholder="Select your preference programming language...">
$(function () {
        value: 'id',
        items: [{
            id: 1,
            value: 'Javacript'
        }, {
            id: 2,
            value: 'Java'
        }, {
            id: 3,
            value: 'PHP'
        }, {
            id: 3,
            value: 'Ruby'


Options can be passed via data attributes or JavaScript. For data attributes, append the option name to data-, as in data-items="Javascript,Java,PHP,Ruby".

    // Define items
    items: [],

    // Define max item showing on filter
    maxItems: 5,

    // Define property for filter item on filter
    value: 'value',

    // Define property for showing item on select
    text: 'value',

    // Define class for active item
    itemActiveClass: 'autocomplete-active',

    // Define template for item filter matching
    itemHighlightTemplate: '<b class="font-weight-bold">amp;</b>',

    // Items container filter options
    tagItemsContainer: 'div',
    tagItemsClass: 'autocomplete-items',
    tagItemsIdSuffix: '-' + 'autocomplete-list',

    // Item filtered options
    tagItemContainer: 'div',
    tagItemClass: 'autocomplete-item',

    // Enable or disable case sensitive
    caseSensitive: false,

    // Enable or disable when click outside autocomplete suggestion
    enableCloseOnClickOutside: true,

    // Enable or disable calculate absolute position
    calculatePosition: true,

    // Width of autocomplete list. Default is the same width to the input. Posibles values is the same accepted by jquery css function  
    width: null,

    // Offset Top autocomplete list. Default is the same height to the input + 10px
    offsetTop: 10,

    // Offset Left autocomplete list. Default is the same left offset position to the input + 0px
    offsetLeft: 0



Attaches a autocomplete handler to an element collection.


Force the manual selection of an item if it exists between the items. Trigger event selected when item exists between the items.

    // item = 1
    // item = 'Javascrip'
    // item = {id: 1}
    // item = {value: 'Javascrip'}
    // item = {id: 1, value: 'Javascrip'}
    $('#element').autocomplete('selected', item)


Clean the selected item if it exists. Trigger event clean



Close autocomplete. Trigger event closed



Close all autocomplete on document



Remove autocomplete events. Trigger event destroy


Instance Methods


Return selected item



Return selected item value



Return selected item text



Event Type Description
selected.autocomplete This event fires immediately when the select item.
clean.autocomplete This event is fired call method .autocomplete('clean').
closed.autocomplete This event is fired call method .autocomplete('close') or after closing the item container when a selection was made.
destroy.autocomplete This event is fired call method .autocomplete('destroy').
    $('#element').on('selected.autocomplete', function () {
        // do something…